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"She's Fire Nation," you heard someone say. You rubbed your eyes, seeing a group of women with face paint and fans. "But she's a child!" another one protested. "No, she isn't a child. We have no mercy for Fire Nation." you sat up.

"She's awake. Restrain her quickly." one commanded, and you backed up, clutching your stomach. The sun had risen, and it looked to be around noon. "No, please! I'm with child! I seek refuge!" you begged. "Prove it." the one in front, she must be the leader, challenged.

"I can't. I'm sorry, but please. I'm on the run." you managed to place yourself in a bowing position despite the burn of your limbs. "From what?" the leader asked. "My husband." you looked away guiltily.

"Take her to the elder." the leader commanded, and then you were being picked up, carried bridal style by one of the warriors. "How did you get here?" the one carrying you asked. "I was a stowaway on a Fire Nation ship. They found me, and I managed to get to land."

"How did you manage to escape the Unagi?"

"I fought it off. I was able to freeze the water as I ran, and I blasted it with-"

"You're a waterbender?" the leader stared you in the eye, turning around to glare. You smiled, pulling water from one of the warriors' flasks and shaping it into a horse. You moved your other hand, and a fire horse started to interact with the water horse.

They all gasped. "You're the-"

"No. I'm not the Avatar. The Avatar is from the Air Nomads this time. I can just bend both elements." they started to whisper. "Now we really have to take her to the elder." you heard. "Please, let me stay. I'll do anything, I just need my baby to be safe." you rasped. "How old are you?" the question caught you off-guard.

"I'm fifteen." you heard sounds of pity and sympathy, and your fists clenched. "You were married off? And now you're pregnant?" the leader asked, taking you into a village. "Yeah." you confirmed, starting to stare at a statue of a woman.

The warrior carrying you placed you down in front of a hut. "Stay here." she said, and you nodded, leaning against the wall as the warriors went inside and started to talk.

"Come in," you heard a voice beckon you in. You walked in, seeing an old man sitting on a carpet, the warriors surrounding him. "You're the girl, right?" you nodded. "Sit, sit." he ushered you, waving his hands around. "You're the Fire Nation girl who can waterbend, right? Come, let me see you, child."

You sat down gently, trying not to cringe when he grabbed your cheeks with one hand. "Tell me. You're not the Avatar, but what are you?" he released you, patting your head. "

Long story or short story?"

"We have time, child. Tell me everything."

"My name is Y/N, and I am the first princess of the Fire Nation. I was adopted into the royal family, and I don't know where I originally came from. I believe that's why I can bend both fire and water." your heart clenched, your mind flipping through all of your memories, good and bad. "Fire Lord Ozai decided that while I would do anything for him, I didn't have the the want to conquer. My sister Azula did, though. And so my father decided that Azula was the best to carry on his name."

One of the warriors raised her hand. "But what about the marriage part?" oh. So that's what you were forgetting. "Oh. Oops, I guess. The Fire Lord decided to marry me off, so that I could both continue the royal family and have one of his most trusted generals near him. I married General Zhao maybe a month back. I found I was pregnant maybe two days ago. My husband is on a mission to find the Avatar, and I decided that it was time to escape."

"Why did you leave?" one asked, and you sweatdropped from the sheer stupidity of her words, before you realized that she had a valid question. "I'm not of royal blood. Any child of mine without gold eyes would raise suspicion. I might be a child, but I refuse for my baby to be put in any form of harm. The Fire Lord is ruthless, even to his own children. Fuck!" you screamed, your eyes flashing in pain as everything started to blur.

"What's wrong?!?" the leader demanded, and it took all of your strength to raise up your hand. "I'm... fine," you ground out, the pain increasing by tenfold. "I've been going... blind. This is probably just a side effect."

"Help her!" someone shouted, and then you were being picked up, starting to be rushed somewhere. "Oh..." you felt faint, and then everything crashed.

"Hello, are you alright? Oh, look. She's waking up!" you slowly opened your eyes, starting to adjust the light. "Hi..?" you asked, your voice more of a croak than English. "Oh. You must need water." someone handed you a glass, and you gulped down the water, sighing at how the burn in your throat was soothed.

"He told us to give her refuge." someone murmured, and you turned your head to see their leader talking to another warrior. "I'm Suki. These are the Kyoshi warriors. It's nice to meet you, Princess Y/N." you chuckled at the title. "Y/N's fine. I've turned my back on the royal life, I shouldn't be addressed as a princess. What are your names, Kyoshi warriors?"

They introduced themselves, and you found yourself conversing with them until you could leave the infirmary. "We were told that you would live with me for the time being, is that okay with you Y/N?" Suki asked, helping you walk.

"Yeah. There's no need to be formal with me, either. I'm just a girl."

"One of royal blood. And a pregnant girl of royal blood, at that." one of the warriors, Jia was her name, pointed out. "Luckily for me, I'm no longer of royal blood. Suki, you don't have to help me walk." you removed yourself from her grasp.

"You're going blind, Y/N."

"I am. But I'm going to remove the dye from my eyes, and hopefully that'll help. Not to mention, though. I can see fine. It was just a side effect."

"Dye in your eyes?"

"Yeah. I had to look the part of the royal family, no? My hair isn't this color naturally, too." you played with your hair, feeling the strands of a color that was not your own. Nobody responded, continuing to lead you somewhere.

"We're here." Suki said, leading you inside. "This is temporary, but as soon as we can fully understand the situation we'll prepare for your child. I hope it fits your taste, princess." she said the word princess jokingly.

You looked around, feeling tears well up. "I- thank you so much," you got on your knees, your forehead touching the floor in front of Suki. "you've given me refuge. I can live in peace. I will forever be in your debt. All of you."

i'm the ceo of writing ooc characters


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