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"Princess Y/N. I'm looking for the best soldier to lead my men, and I know that you're a master firebender by your clothes. Fight against them, one at a time. Whoever lasts against you the longest or beats you will lead my men." the king explained. "Then where are my friends?" you demanded.

"We took you earlier, because your challenges will be a lot...bloodier." the king cackled, and you snorted, even with the underlying threat in his words. "Alright. Where do I fight them?"

"Here. You have five minutes, use them wisely." you looked behind you to see an arena. "Cool. Can I use any of my abilities?" fire would be the smartest, but maybe if you were to sweat a lot, you could use that to your advantage? "Of course." nice. You headed over to the middle of the arena, starting to stretch.

"And your time!" a soldier ran towards you, and you were easily able to flip him over. One yelled a battle cry, launching himself towards you, but you were able to distract him by setting his hat on fire. When he was distracted by putting the fire out, you knocked him out.

"Anyone else?" you looked up at the king. Another battle cry, but this time a boulder skimmed your leg. "You bitch!" you yelled, sending a blast of fire in his direction. You watched as more soldiers started to earthbend, and then you got an idea.

You watched their movements closely, making sure to evade and to block all of their attacks at the same time. You mimicked their movements, and you were pleasantly surprised when you made your own boulder.

Everyone gasped as you kicked it towards the blockade of soldiers. "Fuck you!" you yelled, creating more boulders. "How can she do that?!?" one yelled. "Because I can! I refuse to submit!" your throat was raw as you continued to create boulder after boulder until all of the soldiers were knocked out.

"Good job, Princess Y/N!" the king clapped. "I didn't know you could earthbend as well!" you gave him a tired smile, wanting nothing more than to sleep. "I didn't either. What's next?" the king grinned, and you made your way towards him. "Since you did so well, you've proved yourself. I won't turn you into the Fire Nation. You're free to go." he dismissed.

"Thank you, sire. But if I might ask, may I take a shower in the room I was in last night?"

"Of course. I trust you know your way there?" but you had already taken off, wanting to get the sweat and dirt off of you.

"You're a very beautiful girl, my dear." the fortune teller said, holding your hands in hers. "Where's your husband?" you winced. "I-" she rubbed your palm, and a look of realization crossed her face. "Oh. My love, I'm so sorry. You've lived a life of much happiness and sorrow, although you will have much more in the upcoming months. I'm sensing..."

She paused for a moment, looking at your clothes. "You're a Fire Nation noble, and your brother was banished many years ago. Am I correct?" you nodded. "Good. From what I'm seeing, your brother was very influential on your life. He used to bully you, though. You still loved him, because you knew that he had a good heart underneath all of his hatred."

"I- how do you know all of this?" the woman laughed politely. "I can read you."

"That doesn't make much sense, but okay. Do you know the genders of my twins?" you gestured to your stomach, and she concentrated for a moment. "A boy and a girl. Congratulations, miss. They're healthy." tears welled up in your eyes, and you had to remove your hands from hers to wipe them away. "Thank- thank you. God, that's a relief. How much, miss?"

"Do you not want to hear about your future in more detail?" you shook your head, retrieving the bag of coins from your waistband. "No thank you. I would like to live out my future not knowing what will happen. Here, does three gold coins work?"

"It's only a copper piece, miss. I don't need more than that." you waved around your hand, pulling out the coins and placing them on the table. "I'm happy to give, ma'am. Have a nice day." you walked out of her shop, walking deeper into the market.

"You! The Fire Nation girl!" someone called, and you turned. "Hello?" It was a woman selling clothes. "Are you interested in a new outfit?"

"Yeah, sure. I just don't know if it would fit." you tugged your cloak tighter around your body, encasing you in red. "I'll find something! Come on, girl! Pick a dress, and I'll grab one in your size!" a nice blue dress caught your eye and you pointed to it. "Ah. That looks like it would fit already, would you like to try it on?"

"I don't think I mind either way. How much is it?"

"Four copper pieces." you handed her the money, and she handed you the dress.

"Huh?" you spun around in the dress. "I've been recognized too many times. That's why I bought this, dumbass." you gently slapped Sokka's head. "You look nice, Y/N."

"Awh, thanks Katara."

"Guys, we should get going."

"That's fair."

this is no longer a kids show. i've tainted it with my language-

i'm fifteen, you jerk! (a:tla, reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now