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"I'll help!" you called, hopping onto Appa and bending water from the creek and onto the fire. "Sokka, watch out!" you leaped off of the bison, pushing Sokka out of the way from the wave Katara was bending.

You probably shouldn't have, though. In your hurry to save Sokka from getting wet, you had accidentally pressed your lips against his, kissing him as you slammed against the ground. You pulled away from him, not being able to suppress your gag.

"Hey!" Sokka complained. "I'm not a bad kisser!" you giggled, helping him up as the fire was snuffed out by your friends. Toph laughed. "Haha! Sokka, you're that gross!" you playfully punched the earthbender. "While you're right, there's no reason to make fun of him more."

"Awh, Sokka. Don't say that, you're a great fighter." you sat down beside him, giving him a sideways hug. "Thanks, but I'm not."

"I know what'll help you."

"Shopping!" Sokka cried, looking around the weapon's store. "You go do whatever, I wanna go talk to the shopkeeper." you walked off, finding a man sitting calmly behind a counter. "Hello there, young lady. How can I help you?"

"I was wondering if you could help me pick out a weapon with my friend."

"Ah, yes. That sword is made by the best sword maker in all of Fire Nation history, Piandao." a lightbulb went off in your head. "I know him! I think he knows my uncle, too! And Sokka, this could be your chance to learn something!"

"Yeah! We all learned from masters! I know that I wouldn't be where I am today without Master Pakku!" Katara chimed in. "I learned from the badgermoles. They don't talk, but they're still great teachers."

"Where did you learn, Y/N?" you chuckled. "I taught myself, actually. My father locked me in a room and said 'learn this move and you'll be let out'. Sorry." your friends looked unnerved at your words. "Let's just see Piandao! Come on, Sokka. I'll go with you. I wanna see if he knows Uncle Iroh!"

"He turns away almost everyone." the butler sighed. "Might as well get this over with." he led you and Sokka inside, where an older man was practicing calligraphy. "The boy wants to be trained, I don't know what the girl wants."

"First. Girl, state what you want." Piandao stated. "I'm bored. Besides, my friend is an idiot and I'm here to help him if he gets in trouble." he seemed satisfied with your answer, and moved onto Sokka. They talked, and you cringed when Sokka admitted that he wasn't worthy. Although, Piandao seemed like that's what he wanted to hear.

You cringed at how easily Sokka was dearmed by Piandao. "Sokka, widen your stance!" you advised, and the sword master turned his attention to you. "Do you know how?" you nodded. "Sure do! Can I go next?"

"Come, show Sokka how it's supposed to be done."

"You know how to fight with a sword?" you set Zuko and Azula down, grabbing a sword from the butler's hands. "Yeah! My cousin Lu Ten loved to sword fight! He taught me, actually!"

You got into stance, easily beginning a centuries old dance of swords with Piandao. "Do you know my uncle? I think he's mentioned you before, and I wanna make sure." you avoided his jab, leaning back. "Who is your uncle?" you kicked the blade out of his hands, making it clatter to the floor.

"General Iroh of the Fire Nation. You know him, don't you?"

"I did, back before he left with his nephew when he was banished. He was a good man. You're also an excellent swordsman. What's your name?"

"Zara." you dropped your sword, going back to watch Piandao defeat Sokka easily. You waited back at the steps, not wanting to follow them around, even if what they were doing was interesting. "Mom?" you whispered. "I know you're watching. Or, you're watching dad. I don't know how you do that, but I'm lost. I think I revealed my identity to Piandao, and I regret it. What should I do, ma?" no response.

"Alright. Can we talk tonight? Maybe you do your manifest thing. I want to know about how the fire that killed me... us happened. Where was dad?" still, nothing. The wind didn't even blow. "...okay. Could you teach me airbending, please?" nothing. "Okay. Let's talk tonight, mom."

"I need your help!" you sat up. "What do you need, Sokka?" you tucked Zuko and Azula into your scarf, trying not to get irritated at the constant cries of 'mama'. "Just come with me."

You and Toph helped bend the rock to make it lighter while Aang, Sokka and Katara pushed the rock towards the castle.

"Zara, Sokka. Who are these?" Piandao gestured to your friends. "They're friends from the colonies, sir."

"Sokka, can I-" you moved to help him, but he held his hand up. "No. I got this." you giggled, moving to sit back down. "Look at Sokka finally becoming a man." you watched with Piandao for the rest of the night, praising him internally for his hard work.

"I'm actually from the Southern Water Tribe." you smacked your forehead. "You're a dumbass. Guys, stand back. Piandao and Sokka can handle this. I want a nap." you curled up on the floor, making sure to be careful of the babbling babies that were in your scarf. "Wake me up when it's over."

"Wake up, Zara." the butler shook you awake. "Damn, that was nice." you stretched, standing up. "Oh. Give this to Sokka for me, won't you?" Piandao handed you a small bag. You jogged outside, finding your friends waiting for you.

You opened the bag, about to show Sokka what he was gifted when you recognized the Pai Sho tile. "You're part of the-" you gasped, but the doors had already slammed shut. "Toph, I thought you would want some space earth to bend." Toph started to play with the rock, exclaiming how nice it was.

"Is it space earth if it's not from earth?"

"You ruin everything."

"I can't believe I missed you."

so idk it's around here i start using the official transcript but keep in mind this is a fanfiction this ain't supposed to be good

i'm fifteen, you jerk! (a:tla, reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now