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"What the hell?!? Everyone go, I got this!" you yelled. "No! I have a feeling this is Azula." Zuko stepped up to you.

"Haru, I'll see you soon." you kissed him, tears streaming down both of your cheeks. "Katara, take them. My brother and I will handle Azula."

Ran, Shaw, come to my aid. Protect my brother and I. You climbed over the fallen rock, following your brother. He and Azula started to face off, sending blasts of fire at each other. The dragon masters were approaching you.

"Ran, take down the other ship!" you commanded, watching as the red dragon started to destroy the rest of the ships, only leaving Azula and Zuko's untouched.

"Azula, you need to fuck off!" you noticed Appa picking up Zuko, and you decided to go after your sister. You managed to knock her off her balance, but she was quickly up and attacking you again. "I didn't know you managed to get dragons on your side, Y/N!" she taunted.

"Just shut up." you kicked her, making her fall off the ship. "Please die, please die, please die." you prayed. Unfortunately, she didn't. She managed to survive, grinning at you as you rejoined your friends, flying beside Appa on Shaw.

"What was that?!?" Ran came to join you, creating streaks of red and blue in the otherwise clear sky. "Ah, well, you see," you rubbed the back of your neck, becoming sheepish. "I'm kind of the next Sun Warrior chief? I have the Dragon's Crown, which is like, uhh. I don't know. It's not a big deal. I need a nap."

"Wow, camping. It's just like old times, isn't it?" Shaw purred in your lap, and you stroked him a little harder. Zuko made a joke, but Katara wasn't amused. She stormed off, your brother following after her. "What's their deal?"

"Ran, Shaw, you two can leave now. I'm sorry for keeping you so long, Zuko and Azula just loved you." you watched as they flew off, going over to your friends and brother. "What's going on here?" you asked, surprised at the tension.

"Zuko and I want to go on a... field trip, but Aang won't let us borrow Appa." you chuckled. "Ah, I see we all need Prince Zuko to complete activities. What do you want to do specifically, Katara?"

"We're seeing the people who killed her mother. And if you know what's best for us, you'll stay out of our way." you were slightly taken aback at your brother's words, but it was to be expected. He hadn't changed. Not to you, at least. "Katara, you shouldn't. I know that I wouldn't try to get closure on the person who killed my own mother."

"Oh, really? Who killed your mother?"

"Oh, no one," you lied. "I mean like if I was in your shoes. Revenge won't do you any good. Go see him, but violence will only make you feel worse." you walked away, regretting that you brought up your mother.

"Aang," you addressed the airbender, watching Appa fly away. "you did the right thing with Katara. I just worry for my brother."

"Why? What's wrong with Zuko?" Sokka chimed in.

"Katara's upset with him. I just worry for if a fight breaks out between the two."

"I can never forgive him," Katara turned to your brother. "but I can forgive you." they embraced. That's cute, but where's my fucking apology? I still deserve one, you know, Zuko. "Y/N, can we talk?" you perked up.

"Of course, Prince Zuko." Aang left, and you sat cross-legged, feeling excited for what was about to come. "You don't need to be formal with me. We're... siblings. And you're casual with everyone else." you sucked in a sharp breath.

"I see. Is that all?"

"Yeah, why? You got something else to say?" you stood, tears pricking your eyes.

"I'll take your words into account, Prince Zuko. I apologize for annoying you." you trudged back into your own tent. Zuko and Azula were sleeping, cuddled up together, sharing a bond that all siblings should have.

Something in you shattered, and you collapsed to the floor, sobbing in agony. "Y/N is everything-" Aang barged in, seeing you, on the floor crying, and your children in the corner sleeping. "I'm gonna get Katara."

By the time he came back with the Water Tribe girl, you were silent. "Y/N, are you okay? What's going on?" you stared at your nails, which had grown out. "I miss Haru." you said finally. "Oh. You should get up, you'll feel sore if you keep laying like that." you ignored her, continuing to stare at your nails.

"I love you, brother. I really do." 

i'm fifteen, you jerk! (a:tla, reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now