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You shivered. "Ooh! Me next, me next!" you cheered. "Go ahead, I'll tell mine after." you rubbed your hands together, thinking up a good ghost story.

"You guys know the story of the burning girl, right?" they shook their heads. "Ah. It's a story from my homeland, that's why you wouldn't know. Well, once upon a time, my home lived in a world of chaos and destruction. It was ruled by a filthy tyrant who wanted every person who had a specific trait to be..." you took a dramatic pause for effect. "burned alive."

"Of course, there was no way to tell the specific trait. The ruler wanted everyone against him dead, how would the enforcers even do that? I'll tell you how. They killed everyone suspicious, even if they weren't. Innocent people were arrested and burned alive every day, all for the king's sick pleasure. A young girl named Isabel was among them. Isabel was burned alive, although her body never burned. The king tried for days and days, until he finally gave up. Isabel just wouldn't burn. At least, that's what he thought." you placed your hands by the fire, trying to warm up.

"Isabel did die. Long before she was burned alive, though. An evil spirit had taken over her body, and it took the opportunity to kill the king when it was being burned alive. The evil spirit retired, using the king's fat body as food for years to come. The legend says that when Isabel runs out of food, we're all doomed to be burned and eaten, just like those other innocent people."

"Woah, that was scary! Where did you hear it from, again?" you shrugged. "I made it up on the spot. I was burned alive, too, and I just used that as inspiration." everyone except Katara's eyes bugged out, floored by your words. "What?!?"

"Yeah. That's how I died. My mother died with me. Have I not told you this?" you masked the pain that bringing up your mother's death brought you with a guilty smile. "Sorry, sorry. Another story for another time. Katara, you tell your story."

"Hello." you screamed, blasting fire at the voice. "What the hell?" a woman appeared from the shadows, greeting you all and offering to take you to her inn for some tea.

"Thanks, ma'am." Hama turned her attention to you, making you gulp. "So you're a firebender." you sipped at your tea. "I am. Why, has the Fire Nation done anything to you? Wait, don't answer that. I can tell. I apologize on behalf of my country, but I know that my apology cannot heal the ache that the Fire Nation has left behind."

"Tell me about what you said last night. You said that you and your mother burned to death." you tensed, and you could tell that Toph could feel your movements by the way her brows creased. "In my past life- well, it was my old life, my house had set on fire. I don't know how, but the only event I can remember from it is my mother wrapping her arms around me as our house collapsed on top of us, delivering the final blow. I also remember the feeling of burning alive. The smoke, the flames. It wasn't very fun. Is that all you needed to know?"

Toph nodded. "Good. I'm happy that you know more about me now." she walked off, and you approached Aang and Sokka, who were agreeing to look around the town.

"I don't like that woman either, Sokka. She gives me the creeps. Buut," you unpacked the groceries. "she's giving us food and shelter. We need to be grateful, and-" Sokka left the room, and you didn't bother to figure out why as you finished the groceries.

"Oh. Hey, Hama." you greeted the woman. "Hello, Y/N. Say, could I show you something?" you nodded, brushing off the feeling of goosebumps. "Sure, could I put Zuko and Azula ro bed first?" she nodded, and for some reason, you felt the need to lay your children down in Katara's room. "Okay, bed time." you kissed your sleeping children's foreheads, walking back to Hama.

She grabbed your wrist, leading you to your room. She locked the door behind you, and panic began to swell in your chest. "What are you doing?" she grabbed handcuffs, shoving you in a closet and cuffing your hands to the doorknob. "What's going on? Hama! Hama!" she tied a blindfold over you and shoved a gag in your mouth. She shut the door to the closet, leaving you alone in darkness.

i'm fifteen, you jerk! (a:tla, reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now