Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


Luke had secluded himself in his room for five hours after breakfast, skipping lunch as he was too anxious to go downstairs in case he had to introduce himself to anyone new, or Ashton would still be there asking more and more prying questions. Luke didn't like questions, nor assumptions. The blonde liked to be left alone.

During this time he carefully constructed a list of all the books and articles he had to read. And after that, he returned to his novel.

After his talk with Ashton, Luke had unconsciously adopted a psychoanalytical reading to the novel and couldn't help but think about his resemblance, but also the dissimilarity with Pip.

He understood what Ashton was implying. That he didn't care about having a fancy job where he earned more money than he needed.

But, he wasn't quite as confident as Pip. Whilst both took a journey to a new place. Luke wouldn't interact with people like Pip. He wasn't going to pretend he could either. Luke was going to do everything he could to remain safe in his room; unless he had to go to lessons or needed to eat. Although he had already sacrificed his lunch due to his irrational fear of a boy as harmless as Ashton.

Luke was already exhausted and he had only spoke to Ashton for twenty minutes. He just wanted was to be in the comfort of a novel world that distracted him from his intrusive thoughts.

However, reality is always there lurking. Distraction is only temporary. There was a light, double knock on blondes door which caused him to jump.

Luke sat up straight and stared at the white door. His mind began to race at who it could be. There were seven other people in the block and it could be any one of them. Or even someone from the outside.

Luke didn't know who it was and he was panicking. He didn't want to rude. But then they might assume that he is out somewhere like most people here would be.

Taking a deep breath Luke made his way to the door and peered through the hole. Luke closed his eyes and took a step back. It was Ashton.

Slowly Luke pulled down the handle to reveal the bubbly boy who grinned at him. "I wasn't expecting you to open it. You haven't had lunch. Do you eat lunch?"

Luke looked at him confused. "I um - how do you know?"

"My doors open Luke! Most people's are, it's how you get to know people during the first week! Do you not want to open yours, I've got a spare stopper?" Ashton rambles, trying to peer into his room through the thin gap of the open door.

"Not really. Did you knock on my door just because I didn't eat lunch?" Luke asked looking back into his room wanting to go back in and hide.

Ashton shook his head and laughed at the tangent the conversation had gone down. "No, I always forget to eat lunch! I just eat random food! You do seem like a lunch kinda guy though!"

Luke frowned once again and looked down anxiously. The ambiguity yet again left him confused and paranoid. But he didn't say anything.

"Anyway," Ashton continued. "We're all going to the society fair. See what there is, you should come."

"I don't really want to," Luke said. "I'm busy anyway."

"Busy? You can't be busy, lectures haven't even started yet. It'll be fine Luke, I'll hold your hand if you're scared. You're a nervous one too. Introvert and nervous - I like you. They do say opposites attract."

Luke blushed red and looked behind Ashton where a group were waiting. Waiting for him. He felt suddenly guilty that he had kept them waiting. If he said no now then he would have kept them there for no reason.

"Fine, I'll come. Give me two seconds to get my stuff," the blonde rushed out, letting go of the door expecting it to slam. But Ashton caught it with his foot and moved into the room so he was holding it with his back.

"Your rooms empty!" Ashton spoke up shocked causing Luke to jump. "It literally mirrors your personality."

"You don't even know me," Luke complained rushing Ashton out of the room and letting his personal space be secured behind him. "Stop trying to analyse me. You don't even know what you're on about."

Luke felt bad the minute the words had left his mouth. But he was overwhelmed. Everything he said was true. Ashton was constantly trying to analyse him. But, why should Luke tell him off for it? It was his passion. Luke's passion was reading and Ashton had not told Luke to stop reading that morning when he was reading. But, now Luke was here trying to take away an attribute of Ashton's life. Yes, it was invasive but it was harmless, to anyone who wasn't as vulnerable as Luke.

No one said anything. Nonetheless, as Ashton walked towards the group of people, Luke noticed a decline in the boy's mood.

"This is Luke, guys," the older boy said, looking back at Luke, giving him an apologetic smile. "He's a little shy, so he wants some space for now."

They all introduced themselves, told him he had nothing to worry about. Luke was thankful however, for the care and awareness Ashton had expressed.

As the group began to leave the block, Ashton beside Luke, the blonde thanked him. "Thanks. I'm sorry about-"

Ashton quickly cut him off. "People have said worse Luke. I can be annoying, I get it. I am too much for some people. But, please don't think I'm being malicious."

Luke shook his head. He knew the boy meant no harm. He was just excited, and maybe nervous too. "You're just passionate. I just like to be left alone, that's all."

Ashton nodded understandingly. "If ever I do something that you don't like, please say. I'm not aware of it. Sometimes the words just leave my mouth. I like you, Luke, I trust you. I going to tell you a secret."

Luke raised an eyebrow at what the older boy had just said. The conversation had become quite serious and he didn't know what to expect yet again. Ashton was full of surprises and they kept making his heart beat faster and faster. Millions of thoughts crossed Luke's mind but his mind kept settling on the fact that Ashton was a killer. He didn't know why, but the excessive talking made it seem like he was trying to cover something up.

"Don't look so scared," Ashton laughed. "I haven't killed anyone!" Luke paused thinking he had read his mind. "I'm bipolar, that is all. This weird behaviour that you feel uncomfortable with is just my manic episodes. Don't worry I'm not always like this. It comes and goes. Tomorrow I won't leave my bed! But, I feel you should know, seeing as I think it might affect you the most. You seem vulnerable."

Luke looked down not knowing what to say. Whether to say he understands or that he doesn't mind. He simply didn't know what to say.

Ashton then further addressed the situation. "You don't have to say anything. Just smile at me to let me know we're okay. I know that silence is your comfort zone."

Luke took a deep breath and looked Ashton quickly in the eyes and gave him a meaningful smile.


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