Chapter Thirty-seven

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Chapter Thirty-seven


"That's my bowl?" Luke spoke groggily as he entered the kitchen, not expecting someone to be in therefore before him. Sometimes Ashton woulder enters just as he was about to leave and catch him in a web of conversations. But, knowing that he could spend the night with the blonde he didn't find it necessary to hunt him down at every instance he could anymore.

With a sneaky grin plastered across his face, Ashton turned around, hiding the bowl with his body. That didn't stop Luke walking over and peering into it to see the usual porridge he would have in the morning. "I wanted to surprise you, by making you breakfast."

Luke's body surged with gratitude and thankfulness. He leaned over and placed a small kiss on Ashton's cheek and thanked him.

"Now, seeing as you've ruined my plan to surprise you, can I still make it a little surprise?" he asked hopefully, not wanting to spoil the whole occasion. Luke shrugged and awaited further instructions. "I wanted to treat you to breakfast in bed so can I bring it up to you?"

Luke smiled and nodded, to in awe to utter anything. "I'll tidy my room," he suggested as he made his way to the door, he felt high enough that he was floating.


When Ashton knocked on the door Luke quickly leapt off his bed, tidying up the creases he had caused by sitting on it and confidently open the door. Such a wonderful contrast to the first interactions the pair had between the heavy fire door. It was no longer an obstacle Ashton had to try and overcome, he know had the key to it. Whilst the key always remained in Luke's back pocket, Ashton had the key to Luke's heart. And with one word Luke reached into his back pocket and let Ashton in. Order if the pair were feeling playful, Ashton reached into the blonde's back pocket and take it out.

Luke's excitement grew as he saw the dish was now covered. He was brewing with curiosity to know what Ashton had done. Ashton kissed his head softly, returning the gesture from earlier, and followed Luke into the room.

Luke sat cross-legged against his pillows and Ashton sat in front of him, placing the tray in between them. Luke felt as if it were his birthday.

"I made you some tea," Ashton said nervously, staring at the cup. He knew this could go one of two ways. But, so far Luke was complying. "And, well, I don't want to sound all doom and gloom and ruin the moment but I know you like porridge in the morning but it's not a lot Luke. And I wanted to show you how you can make it so much more fun and nourishing, without it looking too much."

His heart was beating fast. The sheer excitement and desire for the surprise made Luke not care about the extra food he'd be consuming. Or maybe it was that he didn't care at all anymore. But Luke didn't acknowledge those feelings. The suspense was making him anxious.

Getting no reply Ashton took a deep breath and pulled the cloth off Luke's bowl to reveal his usual porridge (maybe a bit more) and some berries forming a heart inside the bowl, with some syrup over the top.

Ashton wanted Luke to hug him. To thank him and tell him it was beautiful. But at the sight of the loving gesture, Luke began to sob. The older boy stared at Luke confused, not understanding. "Luke, what's wrong?" he asked, climbing down from his side of the bed, placing the food on the floor, and sitting beside the younger boy. Bringing him closer to his body.

Between sobs, he muttered. "Just overwhelmed."

After a couple of minutes of silents, Luke wiped his eyes and took a deep breath. "Thank you, Ashton, it's nice. I've never had anyone do something like that before."

Ashton smiled sadly and moved a strand of hair from in front of the blonde's eyes. "You're going to have to get used to it," he said, taking his hand and giving a reassuring squeeze.

Luke laughed and sniffled before looking over at the food. "I suppose it's not too cold yet, we can still eat it."

Nodding contently, Ashton reached over and put the tray in front of them.

The pair at in silence, Luke disliking and feeling uncomfortable at the sour taste of the berries. He wasn't a massive fan and was certain they were yet to be ripe. He didn't tell Ashton however, he thought it would be ungrateful.

Luke was waiting for Ashton to talk, but Ashton wasn't and he didn't show any sign of talking. He was staring at the wall, holding the spoon in the bowl. For once he had eaten less than Luke. "Are you okay?" Luke asked awkwardly, placing his empty bowl down, just a couple berries remaining.

Ashton nodded and blinked back tears. He put his bowl down and gently cupped Luke's face with his hand, running the other over his soft, cold cheek. He planted a small but meaningful kiss on the blonde's lips before whispering. "I love you, Luke."


I like messing with you're feelings! I don't know if you've guessed that by now!

So I now have wifi! And for a while I've wanted to post more journalism pieces (on a separate account) and was wondering who would be interested in reading. Generally speaking they would be around social injustices (race, sexism, class etc - stuff that makes me angry) portrayed mainly in literature or derived from quotes. Sort of what I do like here when I mention books, but more in detailed and obviously non-fiction. So yeah, who would be up for reading?

Once again, you are all amazing people! I hope you have a good day!

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