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Just six months ago Luke wanted nothing more than to leave home. To live alone and be independent. He never thought he would long so much to be in his own bedroom, with the comfort of his family. But, now that was all he wanted.

The six months had taught him how much his family actually meant to him. And that it was reckless of him to think he could dismiss them. He was grateful for the struggle he had these past couple of months, as the distance had made him recognise his love for them. Sometimes when you're so close to something, you can't see it until it's far away.

He didn't want to drop out of university, the whole thing had been his dream for a while and he truly did learning. But he couldn't learn in the environment he was currently in. And his family had decided that it was best to at least finish his first year at home, and see what happened after that.

Next year if he decided to move back, he could start life without Ashton in it.

"Luke?" a voice called as the blonde shut his door behind. Luke looked at his parents and nodded for them to carry on. He then turned to look at Ashton. "I know you probably don't want to talk to me, but I just wanted to apologise."

Luke shook his head, for the first time never dropping eye contact with the older boy. "You've done nothing wrong, Ashton."

"I just wanted to help and I've made everything worse," Ashton whispered, his voice hoarse.

"I'll be okay Ashton," Luke stated calmly.

Ashton looked down and bit his lip. "Are you coming back next year?"

Luke shrugged. "Time will tell."

"I'll wave at you if I pass by."

"I would like that."

"Maybe when the time is right we'll meet again."

Ashton held out his hand for Luke, for a polite handshake. "It was nice meeting you, Luke."

Luke laughed and took it. "It was nice meeting you too Ashton."

The gesture represented a slide away from the intimate relationship to a pair of mere acquaintances.


I don't even know what to write. I'm in a way glad I've finished this book, I don't think I could have got any more out of it. But, at the same time, I'm scared to start on a new one. 

I'd always planned to write a sequel. I couldn't just leave the potential for love here, so I've just published the introduction to the sequel called Take My Hand. I really hope you all want to read that as well!

Thank you all so much for all your love and support. I've never felt so much kindness from writing a book, you have really been the best readers!

I hope maybe you've learnt a thing or two, and it has helped you in some way.

Thank you once again. 

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