Chapter Thirty-six

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Chapter Thirty-six


Wrapped in tissue, Luke took small bites from the pizza, preventing any grease dripping onto his bed or mixing with his hands. Luke didn't like grease. It made him feel sick and nauseous after he ate it. But he didn't tell Ashton that, instead he forgot about future consequences and focuses on the smitten smile lingering on the older boys face.

"You know," Ashton spoke up after he swallowed his pizza. "At restaurants, soup is usually a starter." Luke nodded and hummed in agreement. He understood the underlying message. But Luke didn't go to fancy restaurants where a three-course meal was a thing, and neither did he go to restaurants when he could eat from the safety of his home.

"So," Ashton continued. "Maybe you could look at it that way when you come to eat soup. Soup is okay, but there needs to be something more substantial."

"Like pizza," Luke laughed, covering his mouth as he spoke. The blonde hated conversing whilst eating. It was never allowed at the dinner table when he was younger and he thought it was difficult to task to master.

The older boy chuckled in return and took the last slice. "If you like! I don't think you'll find that combination in a restaurant any time soon!"

Luke smiled as he wiped his mouth and uncrossed his legs. He walked over to the window and opened it up. He was hot, and the room smelt of pizza - an overwhelmingly sickening smell. Luke knew if he didn't get rid of it, the lingering scent would only teach him for the remainder of the night.

But currently Luke was okay. He felt safe and content in his body. Whilst the pizza was Ashton's suggestion, he accepted the invitation and felt in control. Ashton had not told him what to eat and there was no indication of his desire to do so, his face was void of reaction.

He was aware that Ashton had eaten two more slices that himself, but Luke couldn't be sure if Ashton did so to spare Luke of the pain and suffering of eating another, or because he was hungry and he normally had one to himself.

Willingly nurturing his body, Luke felt a sense of pride and strength. He felt in control. And that he didn't have to try and hide his body because no one was going to comment on what he was eating. He was safe in his room with Ashton.

Turning slowly around with a sweet smile, Luke asked. "Stay with me tonight?"

Ashton nodded instantly. "I do need to write my essay though," he reminded the blonde.

Luke shrugged to indicate he didn't mind. "As long as you're here."

A sudden warmth surged through Ashton's body. He felt wanted. He felt needed. He played the feelings off with a joke. "Even if I didn't say yes you'd probably brocade the door so I could never escape."

Smirking Luke looked down at his feet at let out a slight laugh. "You wish!"


The sporadic typing of the keyboard threw Luke off every word he read. He couldn't give any word substance. It reminded him that Ashton was here, but he was also over a metre away. Sat and Luke's desk while Luke laid on his bed with the book now resting on his chest.

Groaning Luke sat up and stared at his wardrobe. Despite the window being open he was still hot. Maybe it was because there was another body in the room radiating heat, a body a lot more radiant than his own. Or it could be because Luke felt full and it was a feeling foreign and discomforting to him.

The typing halted and Ashton spun round in the chair. "Are you okay?" he asked, it unusual for the smaller boy to make a sudden noise.

Making his way over to his wardrobe Luke shrugged. "Just hot!"

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