Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen


By the time the group had returned to their block, it was gone midnight, Luke had rushed up to the bed and the rest had filtered into the kitchen where they all sat talking.

Ashton sat in the corner, partiality listening but staring off into space.

"What happened in the toilet?" a guy spoke up after silence fell and they noticed that Ashton had been oddly quiet. Snapping out his daze Ashton stared at the group. "You were both in there a long time, was Luke okay?"

Ashton nodded sadly. "He was sick that's all, he made the rookie mistake of not eating much before drinking!"

Everyone laughed and cooed at his innocent mistake. Ashton smiled glad that they were all considerate towards the blonde, he knew none of them would ever be cruel to him despite not being like them. He knew that the only person that would ever be cruel to Luke was Luke himself and he hated it.

"Thought you to might have finally kissed or something!" Trinity spoke up wanting to continue the conversation she had with the younger boy later that night.

Ashton chuckled and shook his head. "You are all obsessed with us getting together! Can two gay guys not be friends, are we five again?" Ashton asked referring to when boys and girls used to be friends in the playground and everyone would announce them husband and wife but they 

were simply best friends.

"You act so couply though," another girl complained. "I saw you holding hands at the bonfire event."

Ashton's eyes widened. He didn't think anyone would have seen, and he didn't know how to explain it, not wanting to reveal anything about Luke that wasn't his right to do so. Sighing he looked away from this all. "Luke's got a few things going on," he explained. "It's not my place to say but human contact sometimes calms him down. It was just a friend helping a friend."

"But you like him right?" they persisted, wanting at least one romance to happen this term.

"He's just a friend guys!" Ashton exclaimed starting to get agitated. "We understand each other that's why we seem to close."

One of the girls hummed not believing him. "Luke likes you, you know! He won't admit it but he does."

Ashton shook his head. He knew that there was something there. That feelings were lingering in the air but neither of them could quite catch them. "I don't think he does," Ashton responded, it wasn't a lie but it was neither the truth. Ashton just did not want to accept and deal with those feelings just yet.

"He said you're not ready to date anyway, did you say that?"

Ashton hummed in agreement and stood up. "I not long ago broke up with my ex and stuff, he's not ready to date anyway," he said walking over to the door and saying goodnight to everyone.When he made it up to his room he stared over at Luke's door. He wanted to knock - to ask him if he was okay. But instead, he let his door slam shut and fell upon his bed with both his coat and shoes still on.

He silently screamed into his pillow before sitting up again and staring at his open window. The room was cold and it made him feel alone. Ashton knew he was not ready to date anyone yet, and he knew Luke was too vulnerable. He could so easily be hurt. But why did he get such a funny feeling when their names were mentioned together? It sounded so right but it just seemed impossible.


This is so short, I am so sorry! They are going to get better from now on!

Please comment what you think.

Thank you so much for reading. 

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