Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen


Not only had Ashton easily convinced Luke to come to the pub for their final evening of the term he had somehow miraculously convinced him to have a drink. "We've finally cracked him!" Ashton cheered as he placed a cider in front of the blonde.

He hadn't paid for it, but he knew by now that Luke couldn't go up the bar, that he would stand there for two seconds and have a breakdown because of all the rowdy men pushing and barging by to get to the bar. He would never end up getting served!

Everyone around the table cheered and they all took a toast for completing the first term without killing themselves. They had managed feed themselves, manage their money and maintain a fairly decent grade - they were all becoming to some extent adults.

Nonetheless tomorrow they would all return home and rely on their parents to cook their meals and overuse their water and electricity. They did after all need a break from being an adult. But the stacks of essays due still meant no rest from studying. They were doomed to be forever in a state of fatigue.

Succeeding Ashton's second drink, and Luke's first - the pair were already becoming tipsy. Luke because he had absolute no alcohol tolerance and Ashton because he was drinking way too quickly.

Ashton had asked Luke if he would like another but Luke reverted back to asking for water to try and stable his wobbly head whilst the curly haired boy went to get his third pint.

Meanwhile, Trinity was sat opposite the blonde grinning stupidly at him. When catching her gaze Luke frowned at her confused. "Is there something wrong? Have I spilt my drink?"

"No silly," she laughed, already a little tipsy too, a cider in her own hand. "You two are just adorable together!"

Luke frowned even more and began to sweat anxiously. He found himself tugging at the end of his shirt sleeves. "We're not together, we're just friends I guess."

She laughed and pulled one of her friends closer to join in the conversation. She was clearly enjoying it more than Luke and was too drunk to notice that he was not.

"That's what everyone says Luke, you're so going to be together. Admit it, you like him?" she pressured, the pair now grinning at the blonde who had never felt so intimidated in his life. He knew that they meant no harm, it was just friendly teasing but he was not used to it like the rest of the group would have been.

Luke was now blushing and silent. His eyes was focused on his jeans that he could not be bothered to wash.

"He likes you too Luke, it's so obvious," the other girl chimed in.

But Luke was just shaking his head and trying not try cry. He was confused and was beginning to feel sick. "No, he disagreed, his voice barely a whisper. "He doesn't even want to date anyone anyway. He's not even ready. We are just friends."

"Who's your friend?" Ashton asked sliding in beside the blonde with a fresh of water in one hand that he was now handing to Luke.

The blondes eyes widened in panic and looked at the girls shaking his head. "This guy in one of my classes, they saw me walking with him," Luke covered, the lie only making him feel more sick.

Ashton raised an eyebrow shocked. He didn't think the blonde talked to anyone outside of their block, and he was right. "You have another friend that isn't me? I'm hurt Luke, I thought I was your number one?"

Luke just shrugged and Looked down at the floor. His heart was beating in what felt like his head, his throat was tight and he just wanted to crawl under the table into a ball and rock back and force.

Gulping he tapped Ashton's shoulder and told him he needed a toilet. Ashton had noticed how pale it face had gone and watched his hurry to the toilet.

He spent a couple of minutes deliberating whether or not he should follow after him, if that would have been creepy. But he decided to go and see if he was okay.

When he entered the toilet it was empty all but one stall where the door was locked.

Gently he tapped on the door and called the boys name, praying that it was actually him in there. It would have been embarrassing if it were a stranger.

He heard the blonde clear his throat and slowly open the door. His eyes were bloodshot and his lips read. He stood there silently, as if he was ashamed.

"Were you sick?" Ashton asked pitifully. The younger boy nodded. Ashton sighed, and stepped back to give the boy some room to leave. He went over to the sink and splashed water over his face. "Do you think it was the alcohol?" he asked.

Luke knew it was a mixture of alcohol and his nerves. He still felt sick now but he knew there was nothing else left. He nodded once again.

Ashton smiled sadly. "You're too innocent Luke, only you would become sick from one drink. Did you eat anything before hand, you should have joined us for pizza?"

"I had soup," he muttered through a hoarse voice.

Ashton shook his head in disapproval. "You know you need a full stomach when you drink!"

"I didn't plan on drinking!" the blonde snapped, slamming his fist against the sink.

Ashton held his hands up in defence and remained silent just carefully watching the blonde. He didn't quite know what happened, why he got so defensive.

Luke began to dry his hands under the dryer, trying to hold back tears. He knew Ashton was still there, and he knew he would have to go back to the table with everyone else. He just wanted to go home.

He turned around to face the older boy who was looking at him concerned. He could tell Luke was tired and upset, that he clearly needed a break. That the term had took a negative toll on him.

Ashton didn't know what he was doing, but he found himself stepping closer to the blonde with open arms and embracing him in a hug. They had never done anything but held the hands of each other before. Luke was stone stiff, his arms still by his side as Ashton squeezed him tightly.

He then pulled away and gently cupped the blondes face that was still damp and said softly. "Promise me you'll talk to your parents about all of this, because you need help Luke. This isn't something that you can control by yourself anymore. It's beginning to eat you alive."

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