Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


Lightly knocking on the blonde's door Ashton waited patiently with a cup of tea in one hand and a packet of cookies in the other. Once again Ashton knew he was in there, he had not seen him leave whilst he was sat there with his family, and the first thing he had done once they had gone was make a drink for Luke.

Ashton knew that was why Luke went downstairs. It was not his prescribed time to eat, and the only other reason he went down was to get a cup of tea.

He had also whilst he was out with his family, found some cookies that were vegan in one of the local shops and thought he'd get them for Luke, as a thank you for what he had done. Luke would of had no idea what he had done to help Ashton, but Ashton wanted to tell him.

Luke opened to the door slightly and peered out. "Delivery," Ashton chimed joyfully. Opening the door fully the blonde smiled as the curly-haired boy was standing there with his mug with steam coming out. "I wanted to check you were okay?"

Luke nodded, looking down embarrassed. "They probably thought I was rude," he mumbled ashamed.

Ashton disagreed. "No, they understood Luke. It can be intimidating to enter a room with a bunch of strangers when you expect it to be empty."

Looking up Luke smiled at him thankfully for trying to be reassuring. "Did you have a good time?" he asked, diverting the subject so it was off of him.

Looking down at the mug of tea and peering into Luke's room, Ashton smirked. "This is going to go cold if you don't drink it! Can we sit down and talk?"

"Oh, um-" Luke peered into his room before looking behind Ashton and then nodded. "Okay, I have my stuff-"

"I don't care, Luke," Ashton dismissed, handing Luke the drink and gesturing him into the room. Every time Luke apologised for having one piece of paper on his desk or his deodorant out of place and Ashton had given up trying to tell him that he was never going to notice and he didn't care. 

Once again Luke and Ashton were back sitting on the blonde's bed, next to each other. Both relatively calm this time, besides the increased beating of their hearts that neither could explain.

"Do you want one?" Ashton asked, holding the pack of cookies out to the blonde. Luke looked down at them sceptically. He didn't particularity want one right now, but the fact that they were vegan suggested Ashton had brought them exclusively for him. "I found them and I thought about all the times we've hung out and I was eating cookies and you couldn't. I don't want to be the one always eating!" Ashton chuckled.

"I don't mind," Luke shrugged. It was his own thought that he didn't have anything to snack on. It shouldn't be Ashton's responsibility to get anything for him. Nonetheless, to keep Ashton happy Luke took one of the cookies and slowly ate it. Ashton did too as he stared out of the blondes window.

"I was talking to my mum today about my bipolar and how much better it has gotten," Ashton finally spoke up, a little nervous.

Luke turned to look at him. Ashton still staring straight ahead.

"It might not seem like it to you, I know you're extra sensitive to it but if you knew me a year ago I think I would have driven you to a mental breakdown!" Luke laughed because what Ashton said did seem entirely plausible. "And I actually think you might be one of the reasons why," he confessed nervously.

The younger boy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "You're the one who is trying to be a therapist to me!"

Ashton chuckled but shook his head. "I had to learn to recognise that my behaviour wasn't the norm and I had to try and control it to make you as comfortable as possible. And I think you being arguably such a calm person has helped me. Like the scheduling thing you taught me," the older boy explained optimistically.

Luke wanted to say something but he couldn't so instead he took a sip of tea and told Ashton it was good. Ashton laughed and playfully rolled his eyes at the blonde. "It made me think," Ashton said getting Luke's attention again. "I keep trying to help you and it's not working. But you didn't even try to help me and you did. Maybe I just need to be there, you know? Maybe we just need to be around each other more."

The thought of being around Ashton more made Luke dizzy. Whilst there were times the boy sent him into an utter state of panic. Ashton could be really calming. "You do help me sometimes you know? I actually talk to you now and do stuff with people! You want to be more organised as me, and I want to be more spontaneous and independent as you."

Ashton smiled, a weird sensation feeling his body. He appreciated every word the blonde had said. "In the most platonic way possible," Ashton joked. "We level each other out. It was like we were meant to meet!"


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