Chapter Twenty-six

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Chapter Twenty-six


The flat was eerily quiet. Ashton knew that some people weren't moving back till tomorrow, but Luke had assured him he was moving in today. He had yet to see the blonde move in and wondered if he had arrived before him.

But there was no noise from inside his room, Luke had not emerged at all to get a drink, and Ashton wondered if he had made it here. Unlike the blonde, he wasn't one to worry. He took the approach that everything happens for a reason, so he should sit back and observe. Let the incidents guide him through life.

Luke not being present, however, felt wrong. His university experience now gravitated around the younger boy. It felt wrong that he wasn't there. Like something had happened that wasn't in his plan. And all of sudden Ashton was on edge.

His mind was racing. His mania was sending a burst of uncontrollable energy through his body which sent him straight through his ajar bedroom door to the one adjacent. Quickly he tapped on the wooden surface and hoped out loud for a response.

"There's no one in there," someone mumbled from behind him. Ashton didn't need to see the face to know the voice.

He remembered it so distinctly from the phone call they had exchanged just over a fortnight ago. Ashton conjured up his biggest smile and turned around to greet the blonde. "I was worried you got into an accident on your way here," the older boy laughed to himself, staring at the blonde with adoring curiosity.

Luke chuckled in response and diverted his gaze to the floor. He knew that Ashton was observing him. Consuming every inch of his body with judgement and analysis, he knew that he should expect nothing less. "I went out with my parents for a meal, that's all," Luke informed, his voice growing quiet as nerves began to situate in his body.

Ashton hummed and nodded in approval, but continued to stare at the blondes face. He hadn't seen him in over four weeks, he seemed like a stranger. He looked the same but completely different from the image he had in his mind. But he did think he looked well.

"You know the drill by now," Ashton began, clasping his hands together and clapping enthusiastically. Not loud enough to startle the younger boy, however. "First day back, what do we do to celebrate?"

Luke sighed and smiled wearily at the curly-haired boy. "Maybe not tonight Ashton. I need some time to adjust. Ashton pouted at the blonde and remained silent. He knew what he was doing. He was guilt-tripping the blonde. And he knew that it was cruel given his circumstances. But he wanted to spend as much time as possible with Luke.

Luke took a deep breath and looked up to meet Ashton's eyes. "If I come, will you leave with me if I want to?" Luke asked, his body shaking with fear for the event he had not prepared for. He had hoped for a night in, ensuring his room was how he wanted and planning his week. But despite his stubbornness in every subject, it didn't work with Ashton. Ashton was irresistible.


Despite the thumping music, and commotion at the bar. Luke could hear everything. Being quiet he had learnt to adjust his hearing to every situation when he pleased.

Sat alone at the corner of the table, Ashton returned from the bar with his third drink and sat down in between the two girls. Luke felt his heart deflate. He knew he had bored the curly-haired boy, and he was now stuck alone. He wondered if he left anyone would even notice. He could just slip them a text that he had left and when one of them looked at their phone they'd inform everyone and they'd continue as normal. That was how alone and secluded Luke felt, and he knew it was his fault.

He wasn't staring at Ashton, but he certainly had his focus set on him. He recognised when Ashton and the two girls had diverted their attention his way. They didn't say anything to him, however, they continued to talk amongst themselves - gossip.

"He's glowing Ashton, he must have thrived without us!" One of the girls commented, running her hand down the boy's arm. Luke felt his stomach flip and he clenched his hands into fists with sudden annoyance.

Ashton smiled and took another glance over in the blonde's direction. Luke quickly looked down and pulled out his phone to make it look as if he wasn't bust. "He's gained weight, that's all. He's missed us really," he responded, not wanting to be blamed for the downfall of the younger boy the last term.

Luke felt his throat dry up as he heard those words. His eyes misted over with tears and his body began to tremble. Luke already knew that Ashton thought that. His observations early confirmed that. But hearing him say it in such a casual way, in a conversation, made it seem negative.

And all of a sudden Luke's head was spinning. He thought it was what Ashton wanted. He knew it was what his mum wanted. And he talked himself into wanting it to.

"Luke!" Ashton called over the table. But Luke was too busy staring at the blackness of his screen. He called again and this time the blonde looked up and stared at the trio. "Come here, you must be lonely over there!"

Luke shook his head but found himself standing up. He couldn't feel his legs but he still made his way over to the trio and stood behind them awkwardly. He didn't know why he did it. He didn't want to talk to them. "There's nowhere to sit," Luke mumbled, scanning the table to see all the other seats were occupied by buzzing conversations.

Ashton patted his lap, and Luke's eyes widened. He wasn't comfortable with the situation. "If you don't, Luke, I will," one of the girls said, giving him a knowing wink and he found himself sat on the older boys lap.

He only sat down lightly, ensuring he wasn't placing his full weight on Ashton. But Ashton wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him down slightly.

The trio continued to talk, Luke zoning in and out mid-conversation, occasionally answering their questions. All he could do was stare at the thumb that was gently caressing the top of his thigh and try and control any sensation he felt.


I'm emotional so the story has to be emotional. I'm sorry for projecting my instability onto the characters and the story.

Please comment what you think.

Thank you for all the support on all my works at the moment, it means so much!

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