Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Luke jumped and dropped his book. Ashton had been leaving his room as Luke just got to his. Taking a deep breath Luke lent down and picked his book up and muttered. "I swear you're always spying on me."

The pair hadn't seen each other since yesterday morning, Luke avoiding Ashton and Ashton deciding to not set an alarm as it was his day off.

"No this time was a coincidence. I left my scissors downstairs," Ashton said, pushing his hair back out his face and tidying up his appearance. He hadn't expected to see Luke, not for a couple of days at least. He was going to give him some space anyway, afraid that he might have been too invasive.

"What do you need scissors for?" Luke asked confused. He'd been here four weeks and had yet to find a reason to use a pair of scissors. He had brought some with him, but they sat in his pen pot (actually just a glass) collecting dust.

Ashton looked down bashfully and admitted. "It's Halloween this weekend so we're all making some ghosts to stick around the place. Do you want to help out, everyone else is?" he asked, glancing down at the book Luke was holding He hadn't heard of it, something about critical theory. Maybe he'd ask Luke about it later on.

"I have some reading to do for an essay," Luke said apologetically, he felt guilty that he wasn't contributing but he really wanted to get the reading done to spend as much time as possible on the essay. It was the first one he has had to do and wanted time to edit it so that he was getting it right.

"It won't take two minutes. You need to take a break every now and then you know. It'll be fun!" Ashton insisted. He wanted Luke to feel apart of the community here, that when he walked into the kitchen where the decorations would be stuck chaotically he wouldn't feel excluded from the flat.

Luke looked down at his books and bit his lip. He was still debating the situation in his head. "I'm going to the library tonight, maybe we could go together and you could get the reading done then?" Ashton offered, it was a chance to spend more time with the blonde.

It would be late, but it was a Friday and Luke could always sleep in on Saturday. "Okay," he agreed, searching in his pocket for his key card. "I'll get some scissors, are we doing it down in the kitchen?"

"I was doing it in my room, but we can if you want," Ashton said, knowing how Luke felt about being anywhere that wasn't strictly where he should be.

Luke didn't want to cause an inconvenience so he agreed to do it in Ashton's room. He hadn't seen anything in Ashton's room yet and wondered what it would be like. He suspected it was as chaotic as being around him.

Entering his own room Luke put his books neatly down on his desk and hung his bag up on the hook by the door. He entered the bathroom and looked in the mirror. His hair was damp from the light rain that had been falling as he walked back from his lecture. It lay limp of his head and he thought he looked silly.

He straightened up his jumper and dried his hair in a towel before brushing it. He looked the same but it made Luke feel a little better than he had made an effort to try and look presentable for Ashton. He also slipped off his shoes and put on his slippers.

He didn't know why he all of a sudden cared what he looked like. Ashton had seen him in all sorts of messes, in tears, burnt, panicking, and even just now when he was drenched by the rain. He then sprayed himself, grabbed his scissors and left his room.

Ashton was still there waiting for him. "I thought you were hiding in there," Ashton admitted, knowing that it was something Luke would do. "But you were just making yourself look nice for me!" he grinned when smelling the boy's cologne.

Blushing a deep red Luke fiddled with the scissors. It still hurt to move his hand, the burn covering a good portion of the skin, but Ashton (who had messaged Luke telling he was first aid trained) told him that it should be alright, and if he had any worries he would look at it.

Remembering that conversation Luke asked. "Why are your first aid trained?"

"It was a requirement when I worked in a takeaway, because of all the oil and stuff. So we could help each other," Ashton explained, heading back to his room.

Luke awkwardly followed. "I thought you worked in a shop?"

Ashton chuckled. "I've had multiple jobs, Luke."

Luke wanted to respond in awe. He found Ashton just as interesting as Ashton found him - but for different reasons. He admired how independent and mature the older boy was. It seemed like he had done so much already despite only being a year older than Luke. Luke wanted to know what Ashton did on his gap year because he couldn't have just worked.

"Sorry about the mess," Ashton said. Luke peered around the room. It was pretty empty, there were posters on the wall and random stuff littered on shelves but it seemed like everything had purpose.

The only mess was paper on the floor. "It's tidier than I'd thought it'd be," Luke remarked.

Ashton frowned. "You thought I'd be messy?" He wasn't offended, but he didn't like that his personality gave off that vibe.

"No, I-" Luke didn't know what to say. "No."

"You should see inside the cupboards!"

"I don't think I'd like to." Luke wanted to change the subject, he felt bad for assuming something about Ashton that wasn't really true. "What did you do on your gap year? Beside working?"

Luke sat down opposite Ashton and picked up a bunch of pieces of paper that had ghosts printed onto them.

"The usual gap year stuff. I worked, did nothing and travelled a bit - nothing too fancy though, I just wanted a break."

Luke nodded understandingly. "Where did you travel?"

Ashton was quiet for a bit. Luke couldn't understand why he wasn't excited to talk about it. "Just places around the country, it wasn't that good. Well it was good but the memories aren't real, but you know how it is, falling out of love and all?"

Never dating anyone before, Luke didn't know what it was like. He often found it weird as well that other people had relationships because he forgets that he is like most people at his age. "That's sad. Are you okay?"

The older boy was shocked. Not once had Luke ever really asked about his feelings. He didn't hold him accountable for it, but he didn't want to burden Luke with extra emotions anyway.

Ashton nodded. "Happened about six months ago. He was cheating on me, with a girl, which made it worse."

"You're gay?" Luke said, a little too quickly.

"I have a pride flag on my door Luke," Ashton said laughing.

"Your door is always open," Luke pointed out. The only time it was closed was when he was sleeping or having a toilet. Otherwise, he just left it open for anyone to roam in and chat.

"I guess," Ashton shrugged. "There's no need to be so shocked!" Luke had all of a sudden brightened up, he was sat up straight staring interestingly at the boy.

"I'm not shocked. I don't know maybe I am. I don't care though, I'm not homophobic or anything-" Luke began to ramble, not with panic this time but with a sense of excitement.

"Have you ever met another gay before?" Ashton asked.

"Not any who were openly out, wait what do you mean another gay?" Luke asked, his eyes widening. Was Ashton suggesting he was gay?

"Either you like displaying gay indications around your room by accident, or you're trying to subtly come out," Ashton said knowingly. "It doesn't work, especially with books most parents don't remember," Ashton said regarding the copy of A Picture of Dorian Gray on his bedside table.

The blonde laughed anxiously. "Do your parents know?"

Ashton nodded. "Just take your time Luke. When the right time comes you'll know. Chances are they already know anyway, they're just waiting for you."


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