Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen


"Take it!" Ashton insisted as he tried to give Luke his coat. He wasn't cold and he had a couple of layers on anyway. But the blonde was shaking and everyone was slightly worried. Luke disagreed and continued to hug himself and stare at the ground. The pub garden was full. The bonfire was roaring, sparks flying everywhere as it shone a bright orange. Everyone was waiting for the fireworks that were promised at eight and it was nearly nine.

Ashton sighed and gently took Luke's arm. "Let's go wait inside. We can sit down anyway," he said, also informing the others.

Luke didn't object till he followed the Ashton into the pub where there were still a few vacant seats that had not been reserved by coats lazily thrown over them when people had gone outside.

Still holding onto the blonde's arm Ashton led them to a corner table and let the blonde sit-in against the wall, whilst he sat opposite taking off his coat.

"You should have taken my coat," Ashton stated annoyed as he watched the blonde fiddle with the cuffs of his coat.

"I'm fine Ashton," Luke argued. "I'm not a child, I'd know if my limbs would fall off from frostbite!"

Ashton's eyes widened in shock at how angry Luke had become. He had never seen him this angry before. Occasionally he would snap back with a sassy response, but this wasn't like that. "Are you okay?"

Luke closed his eyes and shook his head. "I shouldn't have come, I knew I'd ruin it for everyone."

Ashton then put two and two together. Luke was cold, his skin was a slight blue. But Ashton could tell by the distant but alert expression in the blonde's eyes that he was having a panic attack.

Not even stopping to look around the room to see who was watching them, Ashton reached over and took both of his hands. Luke tried to recoil but Ashton just held them tighter.

And they both fell into their same routine. Luke sat still, besides his tapping foot, staring into space as Ashton rubbed patterns into his cold hands and looked around the room. Now and then stealing a gaze at the blonde to see how he was doing.

About ten minutes had passed and the first bunch of fireworks were going off. Most people were now outside watching the colourful explosions in the night sky.

The loud bangs brought the blonde back to existence, making him and countless others jump in surprise.

His eyes flickered over to Ashton's gaze who gave him a reassuring smile. Ashton then let go of the blonde's hand and stared over at the bar. "Do you want a drink?"

Luke shook his head before saying. "Can I just have some water?"

Ashton then went up to the bar and asked for some water, the barman taking a look over at the blonde sat quietly in the corner and asked if he was okay.

"He's just a little nervous, he'll be fine though," Ashton told him honestly and also ordered a beer for himself.

When he returned to the table, Luke had now removed his coat and was picking at the skin around his fingers. "Thank you," he said gratefully as Ashton placed the cup down.

He knew that Luke meant to thank you in two regards. For the drink and his help.

"We've missed the fireworks," Luke said, smiling sadly as he looked outside where everyone was staring up at the sky.

Ashton shrugged to show he didn't mind. "See them every year, they're always the same," he dismissed. "I'd rather make sure you're okay."

Luke nodded and smiled once again to thank him. He then took a small sip of his drink. Ashton too began to drink his, drinking a lot more than the blonde.

"What is it?" Luke asked innocently.

"Beer!" Ashton chuckled, a little worried that Luke didn't know that.

"No what type of beer?"

Again Ashton shrugged. "I just get the local beer. I like to try and try a new one whenever I go somewhere."

"That's nice. Is it good?"

"It's not too bad, do you want to try some?" he asked, a cheeky grin forming. Luke pulled a face and hesitated. "It'll make up for not seeing the fireworks?"

"Okay," he said nervously, taking the pint glass from the older boy and giving the drink a small sniff and shook his head. Nonetheless, he brought it up to his mouth and took a quick sip. He instantly grimaced.

Ashton laughed and took the drink back, taking a gulp himself. "You're too innocent Luke!"

Luke shook his head. "It's disgusting. Why would anyone want to drink that? It does nothing - there's no purpose to it!"

Ashton chuckled. "It makes life easier. A couple of hours to not give a fuck and forget all your troubles. I need to get you into it!"

"Nope," Luke said. "You only forget your troubles to realise there are now a million more from forgetting all the stuff you did whilst you were drunk."

"Have I ever done anything embarrassing drunk?" Luke didn't respond, because he knew he was wrong. "I think I do more embarrassing stuff when I'm sober, like calling you pretty under this dim lighting right now."

"That's only because you can't see me!"

"I don't need to see you know you're pretty. Your presence says it all."


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