Chapter 1: The Return

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As I step off of the plane from mine and Maxon's honeymoon we are greeted by thousands of people.

Maxon knows I don't like being the center of attention so he squeezes my hand to reassure me that he's there.

It's really hard to grasp the fact that I'm actually a princess.

I can't wait to help my people with Maxon by my side.
I'm so glad I chose America, I don't know what I would have done without her.

I know that my dad doesn't particularly like her but I'm sure he'll learn to get along with her.

I think America's excited to see her princess suite in the palace, but she won't get to see it until after we have dinner with my parents.

After dinner

We finally finished dinner with my parents and now I get to take America to her new room.

"Maxon?," asked America.

"Yes, my dear?"

"Maxon just because we're married now does not mean you get to call me your dear."

"Sorry it's just that you are very dear to me, please do continue though."

"Do you think your father will ever like me?"

"Well, I'm not sure if he'll ever like you, but I won't ever let him hurt you."

"Thank you Maxon. I love you."

"I love you too my America. Here's the room are you ready?"

As Maxon is opening the door I gasp.

"Do you like it my dear?"

"Maxon, I love it!"

The room has a large silver bed with a blue and purple color scheme. There is even a bay window and a reading nook.

While I'm trying to explain how much I love my new room, Maxon cuts me off with a kiss.

When we're done he asks, "Shall we go in?"

"We shall."

I can't help but smile that this is my new life, I have Maxon, I'm now a princess, and I have the most amazing mother in law ever.

Maxon tells me that he has many surprises for me, but I told him he's the only thing I'll ever need.

With that we ended up having a heated make out session, but before it could go any further there was a knock on my door.
"Who could that be? I'll get it, America you can stay here."

"No, I should probably come too, considering that this is my room", America said.

I guess she's right so I'll let her come with me. As I'm opening the door I see my father standing there.

Why is he standing here knocking on America's door?
King Clarkson
I'm going to go to America's room and ask her to come to my office for a little talk.

I still don't approve of America even though the damage is already done.

I'm sure I could do something to make her want to divorce my son though, right?

The only way I can think of to get her to stay away is to threaten her and her husband.

I'm going to ask her to come to my office to cane her. I don't think she will be able to handle it, but even if she can, everyone has a breaking point.

However, if Maxon is in her room I can't ask her to come to my office.

Maxon would probably be suspicious of my motives so I'll need a good excuse.

The only idea I have is to tell them Amberley wants to talk to them tomorrow.

I guess that will just have to work, if he's even in there.
I'm trying to figure out why my father is standing outside America's door.

Whatever he wants I'm sure he's up to no good.

I'm worried about America so I pull her closer to me once he starts to speak.

"Oh, Maxon, since you're in here I can tell both of you. I wanted to let both of you know that Amberley would like to speak with you two tomorrow. She wants to hear about your trip but she's too busy to talk tonight so she sent me in here to give the message."

I don't think that's the real reason as to why he came.

When he saw me his face conveyed anger, he hesitated, and he was glaring as me, but wouldn't look either of us in the eye.

I just need to figure out why he would come to America's room.

Until I figure this out I'm not letting America leave my side.

"Thank you for informing us, we'll see you tomorrow."

As I said that I closed the door in his face.

America seemed to suspect something strange was happening too.

We've got to figure this out, but first we need to get some sleep.


"Yes Maxon?"

"Who's room would you like to stay in tonight?"

"I want to stay in your room since it holds so many memories."

"Alright my dear."

Oops I shouldn't have said that now she's glaring at me. "I mean darling."

That was definitely the better option.

As I fall asleep with America in my arms I can't help but think about what my father wants with America.

All I know is that I won't ever let anything happen to her.

All character rights go to Kiera Cass. This is the first fanfic I have written so please leave comments and let me know if you guys have any ideas.

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