Shakuni and his Constant Attempts

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"Not like this Bhrata! Wait I'll tell you." Shatanik snatched the pebble from Prativindhya's hands.

"Pitashree, don't you have any work in the court today?" Prativindhya questioned.

"Look Jyesht, we can't see you chilling here. Go do your work." Bheem joked as Yudhishthir turned for an explanation.

"Putro! Why do you always target my Yudhishthir?" Kunti smiled patting him.

" 'Because he's no fun Mata', didi would say this." Sahadev mimicked her as Kunti gave a small laugh, partly agreeing on this.

"Eh, I don't remember how to play it now.... Pitashree, who taught you this game?" Shatanik spoke, giving a small defeated grin as he walked towards his father.

"Go ask your favourite Bua now. I've left this on her." Nakul and Sahadev chuckled, laying under a tree as Panchali and Kanha approached the kids with Dhriti closely behind, helping Sutasom walk perfectly.

"Look! Here she comes. Let the best person teach you." Nakul spoke, calling her.

"I don't think Dhriti is going to play the game...." Kanha smiled picking both of them up.

"Why Kakashree? Why won't Bua teach us?" Prativindhya sadly shot up.

"Because I've found a new game, which we can sit and play and also take my little Sutasom. Come!" She smiled, sitting down as the three of them gathered around her, intently listening to the game she was explaining.

"First me!" Prativindhya joyously sat beside her.

"No! Bua you'll teach me first." Shatanik held her hand.

"May I ask why?" Prativindhya squinted his eyes.

"Sure, I should remind you, I'm her favourite nephew! The youngest one!" Shatanik teasingly scrunched his nose

"The youngest is Sutasom then!" Prativindhya laughed as the other one frowned turning around in annoyance.

"Stop my dear boys.
I might have another favourite now...." Dhriti smirked at all of them, finding the smartest person to pick it up.

"I might take it as one of you pranks dear." Kunti patted her as Dhriti shook her head in a big no.

"Arya, she's not joking." Draupadi nudged Nakul and Sahadev as Yudhishthir looked at Kanha for his own confirmation.

"Dhriti, Putri! Really? When? Hey Prabhu! Nothing can match my happiness right now." She tightly hugged her, as a few tears escaped her eyes.

"So all men are really dim in this thing?" Dhriti mumbled smiling at Kunti and Draupadi.

"Make us dumb kids a part of your happiness please. That would be appreciated." Bheem gave a small pleading smile as Kanha enjoyed the look on their faces.

"You're going to be Uncles once again Putro! I'm going to become a Nanishree." Kunti beamed, unable to control her joy while Draupadi fed each of them some royal sweets.

"What! Wait wait wait. I can't believe I can't believe." Nakul walked towards his sister, gently holding her hands as she nodded.

"That day you took my joke way to seriously, isn't it? What was this? A planned surprise or something?" Sahadev looked at Kanha.

"Even I had no idea that day!" Kanha chuckled back as they hugged each other.

"Wish Arjun was here." Yudhishthir gave a small smile.

"Three more years Jyesth. We won't realize how fast time flies." Dhriti assured him.

"My dear family! Its celebration time. Oh what a better occasion to have royal feast. Worry not Panchali, today this Bheem himself will make a chhappan bhog." Bheem smiled, getting up.

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