VaraLakshmi Vrat

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"This heavy dress just makes everything hard, jiji!" The little girl walked with Dhriti and Revati towards the temple.

"Just one day dear! And you're lucky you don't have to fast like us for the VaraLakshmi Vrat." Revati chuckled at her.

"Fasting.... Leaving aside all those royal delicacies." Dhriti pointed at the arrangements made in the Lakshmi-Narayan temple.

"Oh Revati Bhabhi! Good the two of you finally showed up.
You and Dau have to sit for the pooja, now quick before Rohini mata shouts at us." Subhadra pulled her.

"Me? It was decided that Kanha and Dhriti are sitting for the pooja na?" Revati pouted.

"No no, that didn't happen. Sorry." Kanha chuckled standing beside Dhriti.

"I'll se you later Krishn!" Revati playfully warned before sitting near the agni kund beside Dau.

"Jiji, my dupatta!" The little one exclaimed.

"Uhoh.... Wait, I'll put it around you properly!" Dhriti smiled, folding her long dupatta.

"Jiji, why this VaraLakshmi Vrat? I've been asking this to mother since so many years yet I never got any solid answers." The little one frowned.

"Solid answers." Dhriti laughed.

"Yes. Now I want you to explain me each and every significance of the holy pooja otherwise I'm going." She looked at her.

"I was not ready for this." Dhriti looked at Kanha.

"Mother of the entire Universe, explain explain. All the best Priye." Kanha looked back as a smirk appeared on his face.

"Okay your majesty, come here,  I'll explain you the whole importance and story behind this big celebration." Dhriti talked in the little one's tone.

"So on this day, everyone especially all the women worship Mata Lakshmi with all the devotion for the well being of her family and loved ones.
Then offer her various things like sweets and fruits, which actually made me hungry.
Also, she is offered those pretty lotuses which she absolutely loves." Dhriti started explaining.

"Wait, lotuses are your favourite flowers as well na. How?" She asked as Dhriti cleared her throat.

"Um..... Coincidence. Yeah absolutely!" Dhriti covered up.

"Anyways, now look at those beautiful jewelries and Sari she's decked with." Dhriti smiled.

"Yes jiji, I loved the colour soo much. Similar to the one you're wearing." The other one commented.

"Ofcourse ofcourse.
Now let's repeat after him." Dhriti patted her as the Raj Purohit diverted their attention for chanting some hymss.

"Shankha- Chakra- Gada haste, Shri VaraLakshmi Namostute." He started as the others repeated.

"That means, hey VaraLakshmi holding the Conch, chakra and mace, I bow to you." Dhriti started simplifying it for the little one.

"Sarva paap hare Devi, MahaLakshmi Namostute." The crowd chanted.

"Yes, even I want to hear." Sunbadra whispered to Dhriti as she nodded.

"I bow to you, Devi MahaLakshmi, the remover of all evils and misfortune." Dhriti smiled.

"Sarva lokaika poojithe, Vishnupriya Namostute." Kanha repeated, smiling at her.

"I offer my prayers to her, Vishnu's Priya to whom all the world prays." Dhriti looked at the two girls.

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