Never Belonged

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"It was my mistake, wasn't it?" Dau sadly looked at Kanha, as they stood at the entrance of Palace, waiting for Dhriti and Satyaki to arrive.

"No Dau, its just the fate. We need a staircase to reach the top, in the same way, these little turn of events take us towards the destiny, which let me assure you, is always beautiful." Kanha smiled.

"How do you manage to smile even on the worst days, Kanha?" Dau turned his head, focusing on the sounds of the chariot at a distance in the middle of the night.

"My other half is devastated, a piece of my heart is helplessly sick and in all of this, I have to smile and be there for them." Kanha gave a sunken smile.

"Woman, I hope you aren't sleeping." Satyaki partly shouted, approaching the gates of the palace.

"When you're driving the chariot at this speed, I'm surely not going to close my eyes, putting my life in danger." She replied.

"I know you more than this Dhriti." He chuckled.

".....My eyelids won't shut themselves until they see Vaishu being alright." She grimely smiled, speaking the truth.

"Now now, don't make me worried than I already am. I'm sure Vaishnavi will be alright, now that her Maa is here." He smiled back.

"I'm glad atleast I have one place where is feels like home." She sighed, getting down her chariot, not forgetting to take her bow along with her as Satyaki kept quiet, finding absolutely no words to pacify her anxiety which she was hiding since the start of the day.

"Glad you're back." Kanha looked at her puffed face. She placed her bow and sword in his hands, without even lifting her face.

"Dhriti...." Dau slowly began.

"How is Vaishnavi?" Satyaki interrupted, knowing that Dhriti isn't the best person to have a conversation with.

"Hasn't opened her eyes since you both left." Kanha replied, unsure if Dhriti really needed to hear this.

Her lips reactionarily pursed against each other as she took a deep breath, trying hard to hold back her tears.

"Say something Priya." Kanha worriedly looked at her emotionless face.

"Vaishnavi!" Dhriti hastily entered the chambers as the other three ladies tiredly got up, walking towards her.

"Dhriti! She isn't opening her eyes and-and now she isn't even moving." Devki cried in her arms.

"No no Mata, there's-there's some misconception. How can she not open her eyes and not even budge?" Dhriti stuttered, walking towards her bed.

"Maharani, you can't touch her. It might turn out harmful." The Raj Vaidya cautioned her.

"I'm her mother!" She exclaimed, sitting near her.

"Open your eyes Vaishu. I thought you would create a havoc in the palace to find me missing, but you didn't even wake up for once." Dhriti smiled through her resurfacing blur of tears.

She slowly touched her forehead only to gasp and immediately withdraw her hand in a reflex.
Her welled up eyes immediately darted towards Kanha who gave a knowing yet helpless nod.

"Vaishnavi..... I have no strength left inside me dear. Wake up." Her soft whisper inaudible to everyone else but Kanha.

"Mata Rohini, Mata Devki, I think you all should take some rest. You've been here since the morning." Kanha suggested, knowing that the two of his mother's couldn't withstand the coming conversation with his wife.

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