Dwarka gets a good News

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"Do you believe in ghosts?" An eerie voice entered Kanha's ear as he took his way back to the Palace.

"Kritavarma, I know it's you. Now come down." Kanha chuckled as the former made some rough noises between the bushes before getting down.

"Don't think that I'm a bad ghost. I was rooting for your other half. She would have definately got a good scare.
Wait, Satyaki! Where are you?" Kritavarma called.

"I went to bring a white cloth. It would've been scary in the dark you know." Satyaki came with a bright white cloth resting on his shoulder as Kanha laughed at their elaborate method to scare Dhriti.

"But where is our target lady? Haven't seen her since the two of you arrived." Satyaki enquired.

"She's in her chambers with Subhadra or Revati Bhabhi. We visited and returned back in just one and a half day. Maybe that made her tired?" Kanha spoke, somewhat asking himself.

"One thing Kanhaiya, we can never understand girls." Satyaki joked as Kanha and Kritavarma gave out a loud laugh, very clearly agreeing in the statements.

"Shri....." Gauri called with the most lovable voice ever.

"Yes Sakhi? I can sense twice the love in your voice today. What's special?" Dhriti smiled.

"Yeah twice the live for two people right there! You thought I wouldn't know about this, Shri?" Parvati chuckled.

"Glad, if not me, you'll come down atleast for this one." Dhriti spoke walking around.

"So nobody knows about this I see. Not even Trilokinath. Look here he comes, my addled muddled bhratashree. " Parvati chuckled.

"Good you didn't come. Satyaki and Kritavarma were up for a good scare game." Kanha smiled, throwing the white cloth on her head as she laughed.

"Priya! What is this? Three plates of coconut laddoos? I can see your voice not coming out of your throat tomorrow." Kanha surprisingly asked, not underestimating her love for that delicacy, but afterall she wasn't Bheem to actually do that.

"I'm obviously not going to eat all three, or..... Can I?" She laughed, lifting one plate.

"One is for you, one is for me...." She spoke handing one to him and keeping one for herself.

"And that one?" Kanha purely asked, already stuffing his mouth with them.

"You just-- Kanha! Take some hints Narayan!" Dhriti thought looking at his innocent face as she grinned.

"For this one." Her divine self gave her best smile as she put a hand on her belly.

"What.....?" Kanha asked in complete dreams as Dhriti got up to explain him when Subhadra entered.

"Bhabhi! You wanted tamarinds na, look Rohini Maa and Devki Maa have called you." Subhadra pulled her.

"Wait Subhadrae.....
I can't see him like this." Dhriti smiled slowing her down as she walked towards an utterly perplexed Kanha.

"Kanha...... you're going to become a father...... Soon." She pulled him close, gently whispering in his ear as Kanha stood still, deciding to laugh or cry.

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