The Wedding and Uncertainty

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Dhriti smiled as she put the sandalwood paste around Draupadi's face and hands as the dasis helped to wash it

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Dhriti smiled as she put the sandalwood paste around Draupadi's face and hands as the dasis helped to wash it.

After long debates of what to wear and how to wear, Draupadi and Dhriti finally came on terms with similar things as the bride to be was all ready to shine now.

"Now, check if you feel anything is missing. I'll be back." Dhriti said moving out of her chambers as she walked around the lake for some fresh air, only to see a beautiful purple lotus floating around.

The sight of this beautiful colour eleated her mood as she picked it up and ran towards Draupadi's chambers.

"Look Bhabi! what I got. Wait I'll put this in your hair. It'll look beautiful. Watch. " Dhriti smiled pinning the flower around Draupadi's hair.

"I'm done dolling up Dhriti. Now go get ready. You've not even started, I'm sure you're going to run out of time." Draupadi said worryingly as Dhriti walked towards her chambers.

Dhriti hurriedly enters her room as she sat in front of her mirror.

"I won't get late. Or I might?" She said adding on her jewelries on her delicate lehenga.

"I might fall down wearing all this jewelries given to me." Dhriti sighed wearing them one by one.

"Rajkumari, everyone is already waiting for you to arrive." A dasi entered.

"What!" She gasped looking at her untied hair, half open.

"Okay okay I'll be there." She said looking back at her reflection.

"Rajkumar Arjun has ordered to bring you along with us so you don't delay any further." Another one said giving a small giggle.

"Yes yes coming." She said giving up and laughing along with them.

"What took you so long?" Nakul asked as they waited in front of the mandap.

"How am I looking?" She smiled.

"Beautiful." The 5 of them said in unision as they walked towards the setting where everyone were already waiting.

Dhriti observed the change in Draupadi's look. She looked more serious and the usual smiled on her face now faded.

"Open hair looks good on you." Kanha said suddenly standing beside her as Dhriti sweetly smiled.
"But you look worried? What happened now?" Kanha whispered bending lower to her height.

"I got Bhabi ready this morning. She was so happy and beaming. Now, I don't know why she looks dull and serious." Dhriti said.

"My sakhi is worried and in self doubt." Kanha said.

"What? But why?" She whispered, to which Kanha pointed at Maharaj Drupad who stood up to say something.

"Today, my daughter is entering a whole new saga of her life. And it's a lot more difficult and different than what a normal person would think of. Therefore, Maharishi, I want the Pandav brothers to prove that I'm doing the right job ny giving my daughter's hand to the 5 of them." Drupad spoke.

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