Preparations and a Day Out

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"Vidur, send a letter to Dwarka as soon as possible

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"Vidur, send a letter to Dwarka as soon as possible. Call Vasudev, Devki, Rohini , Balram, Revati and Subhadra here so we can proceed with the pre wedding rituals." Bhishma and Dhritarashtra said as all the family members sat in the common room.

"I'll finally meet Subhadra!" Dhriti thought smiling at Kanha.

"There'll be chaos when the two of you meet. Believe me." Kanha laughed back.

"I don't mind chaos at all. You know I have been containing the flowing excitement in my body since I put that garland around you. I have been like an obidient child since morning and now that's boring. And I want to know how did the two of you manage to enter here."  Dhriti said, almost in single breath making her cough.

"I know you're bursting with excitement internally." Yudhishthir whispered giving her a glass of water as she drank it.

"Alright kids, I think all of you should take some rest. Its been a real long day."  Vidur said eyeing Kanha and Arjun as they slilently giggled.

"You're right Vidur. We'll start with all the rituals and preparations once all the family members of Dwarka arrive at Hastinapur." Dhritarashtra smiled dissmissing the meet.

"Now bhratashree! Kanha! Tell me how did you manage to enter the Palace?" Dhriti asked clinging to Arjun's broad and tall arms.

"If I tell you, you'll laugh for two days and make fun of me." Arjun said walking through the hallways as Dhriti turned towards Kanha.

"No Keshav, you're not going to tell anything. No one is going to tell anything!" Arjun ordered.

"Oh! So everyone except me and Dhriti knows the story. Leave it on me! Atleast someone will tell the truth." Draupadi laughed.

"Fine fine. I'll narrate the whole story. Only if you promise me you won't laugh." Arjun said pointing at Dhriti.

"Why only me? Everyone laughs." She playfully frowned.

"Because Didi, you laugh too much. You laugh on anything and everything." Nakul said mimicking her.

"Whatever!" She said entering her chambers as everyone made themselves comfortable on her bed while she put those beautiful lotuses in a wide pot.

"There's a difference between making yourselves comfortable and shamelessly lying and rolling on her bed Arya putro." Draupadi said making Dhriti giggle.

"Oh you don't know Panchali how me, Sahadev and Didi used to hide under the blanket fort to scare Bhrata Bheem and Bhrata Yudhishthir."  Nakul laughed.

"There was absolutely no need to mention that." Yudhishthir said embarrassed.

"Also its not forget how I used to beat and chase Arjun and  Dhriti till they start crying when they used to steal my share of kheer. " Bheem said making Dhriti and Arjun laugh.

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