Walking in the Wind

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A loving smile prolonged on Kanha's face as he looked at his other half, being the best sister she was, completing the final rituals for Arjun and Subhadra's marriage.

Seeing through the smile was something Kanha has always done for everyone, and his Priya was no exception. Infact she was the one who had excelled herself in concealing things with a smile.

World, was indeed a better place when the Universal Mother painted a ray of morning sunshine on her flawless face, but not her heart for it always held in her pains and battles.

Mata Kunti wasn't ready to utter a single word with her. Dau was upset with the two of them. The explanation given by pitamah Bhishma would surely never leave her mind for it was indeed hurtful. But the things were not over yet. That's what Kanha knew and she didn't.

"Lost!" Dhriti giggled, throwing flowers at him as he zoned in, but still in the same trance.

"You know how much I love you and would never leave you or break your heart. No matter what, right?" Kanha looked at her as she slowly  squinted her almond shaped eyes.

"Oh Kanha, what made you say that?
Ofcourse I know.  I can see that in your eyes everyday. You need not tell me. I know Kanha loves his Priya. She loves him more." Dhriti winked, tightly squeezing his hand as Kanha smiled in relief, knowing that Dhriti wasn't satisfied with his unusual sigh.

"Putri Subhadra, we all heartily bless you as the KulVadhu of Kuruvansh. Now, there's no need to visit Hastinapur. All the gifts and presents would be sent to Hastinapur.
Let's go, Gandhari!" Before Dhriti would ask something more to Kanha, their attention was driven towards Dhritarashtra's stern words as he hastily took a leave with Vikarn.

"Rajmata Gandhari, we wish to seek your blessings." Arjun and Subhadra smiled, but much to Dhriti's sorrow, Gandhari didn't reciprocate the same smile.

"Aayushman Bhava, Putravati bhava." She indirectly gave a small, uncertain smile.

"There’s beggary in the blessings that can be reckoned and uttered with a heavy heart.
Subhadra is a sweet heart and I don't want her to absorb all the pain at once, that too on her wedding day." Dhriti looked at Kanha, as he smiled, shaking his head in a no, asking her not to worry about everyone.

"Wait Putra!" Bhishma stepped back, stopping them from touching his feet.

"I can't bless you both." He completed as Dhriti's breath hitched in immense annoyance.

"Blessings are a matter of heart. They aren't anything materialistic, Pitamah." Kanha stopped Dhriti from being a spit fire as he walked towards them.

"I can't nod a yes to any sort of Adharma happening in front of my eyes. Therefore, I won't give any blessings to Arjun and Subhadra." Pitamah argued.

"What Adharma, Pitamah?" Kanha smirked.

"This! Ancient traditions have been insulted in the course of this marriage." He explained as Arjun observed Dhriti from the corner of his eyes, already looking down, hiding the tear stains.

"Breaking traditions is not any sort of adharma. Infact, its the natural law.
What comes, always goes and same holds true for these rigid traditions.
There was a time when all this was new, when everyone used to follow them due to the fear embedded in their hearts by the ones who used to exploit them.
Now it's gone. That is over, for we are here for reformations. Social norms should not reach to such an extent where it pays no heed to what the soul wishes for. Afterall, its our soul that is infinite and continuous. Not agreeing to what it wants pulls you away from enlightenment and ultimate realization of the time cycle." Kanha loquaciously put forth his cosmic perspective. Every word was worth absorbing in as Dhriti slowly wiped her tears. Her articulate eyes now proudly looking at his direction.

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