Black Magic

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"I'll use black magic to erase her existence." A woman grunted with her dark thoughts as she fixed herself in front of fire. Black soot covering her forehead and skulls and bones surrounding her as she motioned the men to come nearer.

"And how would you do that?" Shakuni questioned, hiding behind Duryodhan as they stood in front of her in a lonely cave.

"My name is Madana! No one can ever stop me from doing what I've decided. Not even fate.
I'm the prime worshipper of Mata Kali, the form of Adi Parashakti, the destroyer." She coarsed, rapidly offering ghee in the fire as the cave seemed to be almost engulfed in those mighty flames.

"What is she talking about Bhratashree?" Dushasan questioned.

"A plan to kill Dhriti's unborn child." Duryodhan laughed.

"Be in your senses! She's a tantric. No actually she's a ghost! I'm going bhratashree. This can be done tomorrow morning, in the sunlight." Dushasan spoke with a pale face as he turned around to leave the cave.

"No one can enter and leave without my permission!" He heard the lady saying in a eerily calm voice as he stumbled on some skulls beneath his feet.

"Mamashree! What is this mamashree! Take me away. Take me away from here." He screamed falling down.

"There's a doubt in considering the two of you a Kshatriya of Bharatvansh and you....." She mocked looking at Shakuni.

"I'm the King of Gandhar." He corrected, in an attempt to save himself from any further insults.

"King of Gandhar....In Hastinapur?" She remarked.

"We want our work to be done." Duryodhan stated nonchalantly when she angrily dusted the black ash on his face.

"Don't talk to me in that manner. Save these horribly sinister words for some other woman. Not me!" She hissed while Duryodhan hurriedly dusted his face in disgust.

"I'll summon the Mahakali. I'm sure she won't refuse my constant calls. She'll appear in front of me. And then, its an end to all my foes. A terrible end." Her voice kept periodically rising and falling as the three timid men gave each other a petrifying look.

"Devi Mahakali would get two holy sacrifices soon." Shakuni dramatically bowed down in front of Madana and her weird surroundings before taking a leave.

"I had to bow down to that elusively horrifying lady just because of your sister! I'm counting each and everything to fire it back on her, when the time comes." Shakuni talked to himself as Dushasan turned a deaf ear to his constant rants about his insults.

"You're not the only one insulted mamashree. She has also insulted me, mitra Karna and Dushasan." Duryodhan turned towards him.

"And if any one of you isn't feeling the load of those insults on your shoulders, then you've lost your self esteem. And it would be better if you all go and find it before time." He sighed, replying to Duryodhan.


"Dadishree, so Bua is really going?" Shatanik and Prativindhya asked looking at Kunti while she helped them get ready for the day.

"Yes putro, she is." Kunti sadly smiled.

"But the baby isn't born yet. I told her to stay here until the baby arrives." Prativindhya stated, looking at his little figure in the mirror.

"As if Krishn was going to let her stay here away from him for soo long." She laughed.

"Dadishree, you call him Krishn, Mata calls him Govind, Jyesht Pitashree Vasudev, Pitashree Arjun calls him Madhav and Keshav and Bua calls him Kanha. Soo many names?" Prativindhya spoke in excitement.

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