Demanding Repentance

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"Feels ecstatic to personally meet you after such a long time, Karusha Naresh." Kanha smiled, as he waited for Dantvakra and his son, to get down from the chariot.

"You didn't accompany him?" Devki tapped Dhriti's shoulders, as the latter stood at a distance, observing the arrival of the intermeddlers.

"Should I? I haven't met any of them before." Dhriti apprehensively turned around, waiting for Devki to give a nod.

"Now, it would be very ignobel if the Maharani of Dwarka won't smile and welcome the guests.
Whether they invited or not, Taittirya Upanishad mentions the synonymity of a guest and god himself. Therefore, no guest of ours shall feel shortchanged.
Now go." Devki patted her with a trusting smile as Dhriti awed at her explanation, before smiling and walking towards the entrance.

"......And you must be Samrat Yudhishthir's younger sister. Am I correct?" Dantvakra smirked, looking at Dhriti as she walked, slowly approaching them.

"No, I would rather liked to be recognized as Dhriti itself.
Or most likely the Maharani of Dwarka, for right now I'm executing the duty of a regent." Dhriti finally flashed a smile, ethically folding her hands to greet the other two men.

"Well, he's my son, Yuvraj of Karusha, Viranth." Dantvakra introduced his son, who's queeringly strange persona was immediately caught up by Dhriti as she nodded at him with a small smile.

"All the praises of her head strong glory and beauty will mewly pale away on seeing her right in front of you.
Infact, Shishupal didn't lie when he describe Pandu Putri's appearance. I haven't seen such grace and bodily lustre in any other woman. She effortlessly surpassed them all." Viranth  whispered to Dantvakra as he lecherously gazed at Dhriti.

"Right. She's also the one who singlehandedly smacked Shishupal without her weapons." Dantvakra reminded.

"Shishupal had a different motive than me. It would be foolish to hurt a gem like her.....
Without even personally experiencing her exalted worth." Viranth evily chuckled before turning back towards Dhriti.

"Its a long journey to trace from Karusha to Dwarka. I'm sure both of you would be much obliged of some rest before furthering your visit." Dhriti lightly smiled, standing a bit more closer to Kanha as he slowly held her hand, returning his assurance.

"That's completely fine. I would rather love to adore this beauty." Viranth sneerfully smiled, directing at Dhriti.

"Indeed, Dwarka is very beautiful." Kanha finally remarked at Viranth's gaze at Dhriti as she softly scoffed at her husband's words.

"And I would highly appreciate if Maharani would show me around her extensively prosperous state, while Dwarkadheesh attends my Pitashree in their political matters." Viranth replied, much to Dhriti's surprise.

"Will do. That will be a good to pass your time while I help settling your Pitashree's suspiciosly sudden political issues." Kanha sneered back as Dhriti gave him a bewildered look.

"He gives seat even more foolish vibes than Shishupal." Dhriti pursed her lips.

"Everyone with a direct affiliation with Shishupal is a fool and I believe you can find yet another loop hole here. Afterall future isn't the most kindest person." Kanha chuckled, looking at Dhriti rolling back her eyes as she looked out for someone.

"Vaishu?!" Her soft, euphonious voice called.

"Yes Mata?" Vaishnavi came running around, acquiescently answering her mother.

"Mind joining me to show Yuvraj Viranth around Dwarka?" Dhriti playfully squinted her eyes with her usual smile plastered on her lips as she glanced at Vaishnavi.

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