
1.4K 80 558

Hello Guyms!
Taking time out of my mentally visualized celebrations, I'm here to announce that our book
Kanha's Priya has crossed 200K reads. Like 200K!

I've rightfully turned into a memer(PS I've made more)

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I've rightfully turned into a memer
(PS I've made more)

Watch the universe being synchronised. Last year on the same date i.e on October 30th we had reached the 100K mark for the book and now we're here on 200K!!

Warning : Extremely Senti content ahead.

So actually, I don't know what to say so let's begin with special mention of special people.

All glories and obeisances to Rukmini Mata and Krishna. Like literally <3.
From knowing nothing to being my eveything, a super fabulous, miraculous duo!

This book is a journey I had never planned even in my brightest of dreams. Its been almost one and a half year to this book and I've expirienced things I'm super grateful for and things I sometimes wished never really happened.

But looking back, Whether it was the feeling of quitting Wattpad forever or lacking motivation and ideas for continuing, it worked out however it was supposed to.

So THANKYOU to our Eternal Parents <3

Extremely Senti content ends here


*Cringey Smile*

Time to thank the most hardworking, most supportive clan of specially gifted humans - My readers.

Raising a big big toast (filled with water because I'm underage) to the specific species of humans I almost love the most!

Totally extraordinary people.

To anyone who's lacking motivation, want friends or just want to pull out a hysterical laugh for a handful of lame jokes - 10/10 would recommend my readers.

Honestly I cannot fathom words to say something about you all.
Whether you've been there from the start or started reading the book recently, whether you've spammed the comment section or not, whether you've read just a few chapters or re-read all the chapters again because I don't update on time -

I just want to give a huge enormous gigantic bear hug because Kanha's Priya is nothing without you all. The time you all take out to read, the comments and votes on chapters and most importantly all your avidity and zeal for every single upcoming chapter - Just chef's kiss. I would never trade that for anything.

21 topo ki salami for all your patience and for bearing with my decade long gaps between each chapters oh and cliffhangers too. I appreciate that soo much. It warms my heart that ya'll genuinely wait and pushes me further to give my 200% on every plot I weave.

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