Pandava's Last Conquest

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"Bhabhi, I want to tell you something!" Subhadra blurted out a she walked along with Kanha and Dhriti, through the main city as the trio was running some errands for Devki

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"Bhabhi, I want to tell you something!" Subhadra blurted out a she walked along with Kanha and Dhriti, through the main city as the trio was running some errands for Devki.

"I'll.... Be back in sometime." Kanha smiled at the two of them as he happily left the scene, knowing what was about to happen.

"Why would he do that?" Subhadra looked at Kanha in confusion.

"Must have some other work, Bhadra. Anyways what do wanted to tell me? You've been saying this since the last whole year." Dhriti smiled as they continued walking. Their simple clothes with almost no ornaments making the two of them hard to recognize.

"Yes Bhabhi we were so immersed with Prativindhya, Shatanik, Sutasom and Nisatha that everytime I just tend to forget telling you." Subhadra spoke.

"Oh so you have been keeping that thing to yourself since Prativindhya and Nisatha's birth.
Bhadra that's like 3 years back!" Dhriti nearly exclaimed, stopping in her tracks.

"I was scared, Bhabhi" She held her hands.

"Subhadra! Now you're scared of telling things to me? Am I like really scary?" Dhriti smiled in shock.

"No, but this is not a small thing Bhabhi." Subhadra replied, her pace getting slower.

"Are you stuck in some problem? Tell me fast so we can get out of it." Dhriti squinted her eyes.

"Princesses! Krishn has called the two of you back to the palace, now. Also, you're very recognizable." Dau chuckled, pointing at Dhriti.

"Bhratashree? But he was here just now." Subhadra spoke as Dau nodded knowing how eratically Kanha can be everywhere.

"Its just because you know it's me. Otherwise no one can--" Dhriti started.

"Jiji! You did not join us this morning with Bhaiya. So you were here!" A little girl came running towards her a Dau cleared his throat making Subhadra laugh.

"Enough now Dau! Let's go." Dhriti laughed at her silliness, climbing on the chariot.

"What work does bhratashree has ever so suddenly that we're not even allowed to complete Devki Maa's work?" Subhadra asked.

"Actually Kanha as some work with her, he has called both of you because we won't leave you wandering here all alone." The protective Dau, revealed as Subhadra huffed.

"Okay okay, but Bhabhi get ready for Devki Maa's scoldings." Subhadra shook her.

"Devki Maa scolds?" Dhriti laughed earning a look from two of them.

"Not everyone is her favourite child like you." The siblings said in unision as they reached the palace.

"You wanted to tell me something na. We'll meet later? Yeah ofcourse we will." Dhriti laughed walking towards her chambers.

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