Defeating Discrimination and Ego

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"Why can't we just present Mamashree Shakuni, Bhrata Duryodhan, Bhrata Dushasan and Angraj Karna directly in the court and let them admit their crime

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"Why can't we just present Mamashree Shakuni, Bhrata Duryodhan, Bhrata Dushasan and Angraj Karna directly in the court and let them admit their crime." Nakul said with everyone sitting across a room, discussing about their return back to Hastinapur.

"Its not possible to make them admit their sin. We dont have a single proof against them. And Purochan, who might have admitted , is already dead." Sahadev explained gaining a nod from everyone.

"But what about the fact that Dhriti and Mahamantri Vidur had already sensed something was cooking? You said Mahamantri had also sent you all hints via his spies disguised as messengers." Dhrishtadyumn inquired.

"I can't stand in the court and make people rely on my vibes. We needed solid proofs which we dont have at the moment. And we can't reveal that Kakahshree had sent spies along with hints about the ploy. If that is revealed, according to the law, he would be removed from his position for spying on Angraj and sending spies to Varanavat without any permission of the King." Dhriti spoke up, presenting her point.

"Each one of you have a point kids, but we need look into the matter from a different way. Presenting the guilty in the court or announcing an attack won't be in our favour at all.
Vasudev and Balram, what is your say?" Drupad said looking over at the brothers.

"You're right Maharaj, openly despising their mistakes won't favour us right now. Peace making amongst each other is the only option left." Kanha spoke.

"Peace making? We could have forgave them for one crime. Not when they keep repeating the same thing. When Angdesh was in danger, Jyesht Pitashree didn't gave a second thought and sent Dhriti to his rescue.
Angraj has acted ungratefully. He knew about the whole ploy created by Mamashree. If not any of us, he could have atleast informed Dhriti about this." Arjun explained.

"No Arjun. Tactics don't work this way. We have to attack the opponent in a way he would never expect. Right now, Mamashree Shakuni would expect you all to seek revenge by waging an internal war. Therefore, our only effective counterattack is Peace making." Dau explained.

"Baldau is right. We have to get on peace terms and act maturely." Yudhishthir said as everyone agreed, except Dhriti who seemed lost in her own thoughts.

"Do you have some other plans Priya?" Kanha smiled with a questioning look.

"Huh? No no. I agree with Bhratashree, even though I would have loved to slaughter the trickster with my sword all at once." Dhriti thought looking back at him.

"That's clear. Then what's eating you?" Kanha asked.

"What's your next destination? Hastinapur or Dwarka? And let me tell you if you're going to Dwarka, I'm coming with you." Dhriti lightly smiled looking at him as Kanha loudly chuckled making everyone look at him.

"What happened Vasudev? Are you alright?" Bheem asked patting him.

"Yes Bade Bhaiya, I'm, I'm fine." He smiled.

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