Beginning of the Biggest Celebration

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Vasudev, Dau and the 5 Pandavas smiled at the sight of Dhritarshtra and Vidur, doing the pooja of the groom, on the behalf of the bride's father

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Vasudev, Dau and the 5 Pandavas smiled at the sight of Dhritarshtra and Vidur, doing the pooja of the groom, on the behalf of the bride's father.

"Pitashree should have been here." Arjun said as a few tears trickled down his face.

"He's here Bhratashree, with all of us." Nakul said through teary eyes, remembering what Dhriti told him earlier.

"I can't believe the time has come." Sahadev said as Nakul put a hand on his shoulder.

"Feels just like yesterday, that we used to play together, train together and sleep together. Everything with each other." Yudhisthir gave a sad smile as the brothers looked at Kanha , who was smiling at them, assuring everything would be alright.

"What are you thinking Bhanje?" Shakuni asked approaching Duryodhan and Karna.

"So she'll be gone now? She's going away from Hastinapur....." Duryodhan sighed.

"So! I expected you to smile on those words. But looks like you're doing the extreme opposite." Shakuni frowned at Duryodhan's sad face.

"We know mamashree, but sometimes he's allowed feel this way." Karna patted him.

"Mitra Karna is right. Anyways, who's going to perform Dhriti's Kanyadan?" Duryodhan asked, his face returning back to his normal emotions.

"Your Pitashree ofcourse! Maharaj Pandu's brother." Shakuni said.

"And what about Mahamantri Vidur? He's Maharaj Pandu's brother as well." Karna reasoned.

"No. No Angraj! Mahamantri is a dasi putra. And I'm sure Pitamah won't insult the crowd here by letting him do Dhriti's Kanyadan." Shakuni insulted as Karna's breath hitched in anger.

"Vasudev ji, Hastinapur always had great relations with Dwarka because their KulVadhu is your sister. And today, her daughter is going to be your KulVadhu. I hope the relationship between these two kingdoms stay strong forever." Dhritarshtra spoke as Vidur sadly smiled.

"Maharaj! Mahamantri! Dhriti has always been like a daughter to us. And everyone back in Dwarka already adore her a lot. I promise you both, she would never feel absence of Maharaj Pandu or anyone from Hastinapur.
Dwarka is her home now. So all of you should stay away from any worries." Vasudev broke a wide smile, assuring both of them.


"So tell me..... How are you feeling?" Draupadi asked as Dhriti sat on her bed wearing the most beautiful lehenga any bride would have ever worn in the entire Aryavart.

"My heart is beating faster than normal! I'm so excited, I'm so happy that the time has finally come and I'm sad at the same time. So basically I'm an emotional cocktail. " She said looking at Draupadi making the others chuckle.

"Alright Alright. Now get up from the bed and come sit her. Let me get you ready." Draupadi asked as she slowly made Dhriti sit in front of the mirror.

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