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"Surprisingly, Kritavarma isn't here to welcome us for the first time

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"Surprisingly, Kritavarma isn't here to welcome us for the first time." Kanha smiled as he informed everyone about their arrival in Dwarka.

"I'm here Rajkumar. I'll never miss that." Kritavarma smiled as Dhriti and Kanha as everyone's chariot.

"Everyone! This is Kritavarma. Narayani Sena's Senapati. And Dau's favourite." Kanha chuckled introducing as everyone else greeted him.

"Sakhi, I think you should come out of your carriage. You wanted to see how Dwarka looks na." Kanha called Draupadi as she stepped out, slowing climbing on Arjun's chariot.

"Let's continue, shall we? Everyone is awaiting for the arrival of Maharaj Pandu's children ." Kritavarma chuckled back at Kanha as they resumed their journey.

"You see, no one is awaiting our arrival." Kanha whispered to Dhriti, jokingly faking disappointment.

"Well, can't complain about it. I'm Maharaj Pandu's kanya as well na." She laughed back.

"Finally my Bhratashree and Bhabhi are arriving. That too after soo many days." Subhadra squealed in excitement.

"Yeah. Even Arjun is arriving....... I mean all the Pandav brothers are actually." Revati wiggled her brows, teasing her.

"What... What do you mean Bhabhishree?" Subhadra tried to keep a straight face as they saw the nearing chariots.

The crowd of Dwarka was in immense joy. The arrival of Pandavas, Draupadi and Kunti contributed more to their happiness. Little petals of flowers were showered in their direction as Kanha and Dhriti smiled, looking at each other.

"So she's Maharani Draupadi?" Subhadra's dasi asked.

"Yes she is. Isn't she beautiful?" Subhadra beamed at her.

"Ofcourse she is. Really very beautiful. But not more than Rajkumari Dhriti. Look here she comes." The dasi replied smiling at the sight of Dhriti and Kanha getting down from their chariots as the little children ran towards.

"Indeed. Bhabhishree's beauty is unmatched. Just-just look at her....
Her flawless face that would even defeat the apsaras of Indra Dev, her fair skin radiating the shine familiar to gold, that small smile always present on her pink lips, her long and smooth hair perfectly half tied and half hanging down behind her veil, the elegant nose ring and the crown on her head representing Dwarka and Yaduvansh, those fingers nicely painted with bright red kumkum, that skilled sword hanging down her waist as every step she takes is a graceful walk of hers. Overall, she likes to keep the things as simple as possible.
I must say, Bhrata Krishn is a lucky man now." Subhadra spoke, adoring Dhriti's beauty to every bit as the ones who arrived, got down from their respective rides.

"Jiji, Jiji we missed you so much. The entire sena was all quiet without you." The little girl smiled at Dhriti's tall figure as the latter bent down, gently hugging her.

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