Shakuni's Vegenance and Kanha's Confusion

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"Prabhu....Prabhu!" Vibhishan smiled towards the two of them standing in front of him.

"You didn't recognize us, did you?" Kanha, now in their original forms only visible to Vibhishan, smiled at him

"How can I not recognize your godly voice? Accept my naman Prabhu, Maate." He smiled, touching his head down at their feet as Lakshmi-Narayan blessed him.

"We mentioned in the letter, asking them to bring atleast one regiment to equal with Lanka's army strength and I can't see any sena?" Sahadev questioned.

"Looks like Maharaj Vibhishan already knows Bhaiya." Nakul looked at the three conversing with each other.

"Its a part of my Maya Nakul, you all can't see what Maharaj Vibhishan is seeing right now." Dhriti smiled, looking at her brothers.

"Both of you took too long to visit your Bhakt here, neither you both nor Hanuman has shown up, Prabhu. Your boon of immortality is a test for me." Vibhishan smiled, as Kanha embraced him.

"We have given you the boon for a reason, Mitra." Kanha smiled.

"I did not get it, Prabhu." Vibhishan looked at both of them.

"Maharaj Vibhishan, the two of them Nakul and Sahadev are my brothers." Dhriti smiled as Vibhishan glanced at them once again.

"Your brothers? Forgive me Maate, I have done a big sin by stopping them right here." He sadly looked down.

"There's nothing to feel sad about it. You are elder to them, your blessing would forever matter the most to them." Dhriti smiled, explaining the whole situation of Hastinapur asking Indraprasth to gain confidence of more than 100 kingdoms to declare Jyesht as an independent King.

"Maate, that's a great news. Me and my men would be more than happy to help Yudhishthir in all what he needs to free Indraprasth as an independent kingdom." Vibhishan smiled as Kanha and Dhriti took their human forms and walked towards the two, very muddled Princes.

"Yes, confused souls, what happened?" Kanha smiled at Nakul and Sahadev's confused faces.

"War....? Conquest?" Sahadev stuttered.

"That's why we are here na. There's no war. Maharaj Vibhishan has agreed to help Jyesht Bhrata with anything he needs." Kanha assured.

"Really? That's great because I'm so tired of being at war and fighting everywhere." Nakul chuckled.

"Getting tired from wars so soon won't be favourable, boys." Kanha patted both of them as Dhriti joined Vibhishan, showing her around, as they walked on the mighty Setu.

"We understand the value of a person once he's gone." Nakul tagged along with his sister.

"What made you say that?" Dhriti surprisingly asked.

"Just came into my mind. I don't remember spending any time with Mata Madri and Pitashree.
Prativindhya asked us about our time in the forest.
Everyone narrated their little stories and-and surprisingly I did not remember a single second." Nakul said as Dhriti took a deep breath.

"Bhaiya, what would have been the scenario if Pitashree would have been with us?" Sahadev turned towards Kanha.

"You don't remember anything from those 9 years because you always blamed Mata Madri for Pitashree's death, just because that Dushasan, Bhrata Duryodhan and his other brothers hammered this thing in your head to let us down." Dhriti spoke in a low tone, not wanting to grab any attention.

"I-I was a kid that time. I literally trusted each and everything, anyone uttered." He looked down, walking closer to her.

"And now what are you? A kid or a married man with one kid?
She's gone now. Never expecting her own child would blame her for that.
That's the reason, you don't remember anything. And now, you won't, no matter how hard you try." She patted him, walking ahead.

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