Kanha's Secret Plan

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Kripacharya sat across Bhishma, Vidur, Dhritarashtra, Gandhari, Duryodhan, Shakuni, Kunti and her 5 sons

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Kripacharya sat across Bhishma, Vidur, Dhritarashtra, Gandhari, Duryodhan, Shakuni, Kunti and her 5 sons.

"Where's Dhriti the whole time?" Kripacharya enquired.

"Must be somewhere. Have you figured out the date Kul Guru?" Duryodhan asked.

"Who's getting married here? You or Dhriti? Ofcourse she's needed." Kripacharya shot back as Kunti sent a dasi to call Draupadi and Dhriti.

Dhriti entered along with Draupadi who sat beside Kunti as Dhriti surprisingly sat between Shakuni and Duryodhan who kept looking at her in shock.

"What? There's no place elsewhere to sit." She shrugged as Duryodhan frustatingly looked away making Bheem chuckle.

"Before deciding the most auspicious date, I would like to ask, Putri do you really agree to this?" Kripacharya asked looking at Dhriti's direction as a smirk appeared on Dhriti's face.

"Don't act smart and try to change your destiny." Duryodhan whispered.

"Yes I am Kul Guru." She smiled at him as everyone looked at her in shock.

"She's the same girl who asked Maharaj to win honour in wars and not with alliance?" Yudhishthir asked as a wide smile was persistent on Arjun's face but he can't reveal anything to anyone.

"If the Swayamwar takes place on the upcoming Purnima, it would be easy for us to find the perfect nakshatra examining the bride and groom's kundali and the day most auspicious for wedding." Kripacharya stated as everyone nodded in agreement.

"But the Purnima is just in 2 days!" Gandhari reasoned.

"So what Matashree, the preparations have already started, the only work left was deciding the date and sending invitations, we'll make sure that work is completed today itself. Won't we mamashree? " Duryodhan asked.

"Ahaha yes yes Bhanje, ofcourse." Mamashree laughed.

"Is there anything we can help you with Yuvraj?" Nakul asked faking a smile.

"Ofcourse, I assign you all to receive the guests and look after their hospitality." Duryodhan said standing up as one by one, everyone started taking a leave.

"Two days from today Kanha." Dhriti looked down as the smile on her face faded.

"There's just a problem." Kanha said softly.

"There are a lot of problems, specify which one." She said walking through the hallway.

"Sources say, Bhrata Duryodhan have informed all the sipahis that I should not be allowed to enter the Hastinapur region on the day of Swayamwar and you won't be allowed to leave the Palace on the same day." Kanha said as both of them fell into fits of laughter.

"Why is he so childish? And how can he forbid me from leaving the Palace, my Mata Parvati's temple is on the banks of river Ganga outside the Palace." Dhriti said giggling.

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