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"Then listen Priye, look here

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"Then listen Priye, look here." Kanha said gently holding her shoulder.

"Is it good or bad?" Dhriti asked tensely looking at him.

"Remember Rishi Bhrigu's curse that in Siya-Ram avatar, Lakshmi-Narayan would suffer from separation ?" He softly spoke as Dhriti's grip on his arms tightened.

"What about that? Its done. That's the past. We've suffered enough separations and now I'm not going to let that happen." She spoke, her voice slowly cracking.

"And what if that's a curse yet to come....." Kanha said carassing her.

"Nobody has cursed us for this incarnation. And-and I would not let anyone do that. This world has always done that to Lakshmi-Narayan.
Wasn't the exile enough, wasn't Sita haran, her going to the forest again or she finally going inside the earth enough?
Or is there something more left for me to prove my love and devotion?" She asked now crying.

"Priya....." Kanha spoke wiping her tears.

"Who? Who is going to do that this time?" She said almost collapsing down as Kanha held her.

"You don't want to know that Priya. Now I won't even let you shed a single drop of tear. You'll know about it someday." Kanha said sitting beside her.

"I don't want to lose you once again Kanha. I can't bear the separation once again. No. My-my celestial form will leave this body-" She panicked crying into his arms.

"Priya!!" Kanha stopped her.

"Don't jump to conclusions like these. I never said that I'm leaving you. I didn't even mention about separation in this incarnation. I just revealed about the curse a certain someone would be merrily bestowing upon us without knowing the consequences." Kanha consoled her.

"You always say that, Vidhata has his own reasons while writing this in our luck. Then what? What is the reason behind this? And why? Why always us?" She asked.

"You're right. Everything has a reason. So does this curse. And why always us? Because Prajapati knows we can fight this and emerge out, even more stronger. Afterall, we're here to put a bench marks of various ideals aren't we.
And you are Shakshat Mahadevi. What are you apprehensive about? At times, you have the complete ability to take up your original form and slaughter the sinners. And remember my dear Chanchala, you're on earth to prove that women and no less than men. Infact they are more divine. You're here for dharmasthapana. To protect and empower the nari jati. " Kanha spoke, reminding her of her purpose as a small smile appeared on her lips.

"Yes, yes I'm here for a reason. I should not be affected by the the fascination about these earthly pleasures. We're above this." She said standing up as Kanha smiled at her.

"Yeah I forgot to tell you....." He spoke as they started walking.

"What?" She asked.

"You were looking pretty...... I mean as always." He chuckled.

Kanha's PriyaWhere stories live. Discover now