Agaisnt all Odds

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"Why are both of you laughing so hard?" Yudhishthir asked Nakul and Sahadev

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"Why are both of you laughing so hard?" Yudhishthir asked Nakul and Sahadev.

"Panchali has been dragging didi out of her bed even before sunrise for last two days just to get her ready." Nakul chuckled.

"Is she happy today?" Bheem asked concerned.

"She is, but she can't hide the pain and anger behind that little outward smile from us." Yudhishthir sighed.

"Where is bhrata Arjun?" Sahadev asked.

"Must be attending the Princes." Bheem assured.

"That's not possible. That shy kid would always send me to talk to someone. He's somewhere else. Let's go find him." Yudhishthir nodded in denial as the boys left their room.

"Smile Dhriti, smile." Draupadi said circling lots of coral jasmines around her hair as her other dasis loaded her with gold.

"I've somehow lost all my enthusiasm Bhabhi. I don't want to smile anymore." Dhriti said looking down.

"Priya! You promised me to stay happy there." Kanha's sudden voice flinched her.

"Yeah yeah. I'm okay. Not for too long but still alright." She said assuring him.

"Anyways, where are you?" She asked laughing.

"You'll know." He said smiling.

"Why do you do this to me?." Dhriti asked.

"I like troubling you." Kanha innocently laughed.

"Sure. I'll see you later." She said internally giggling.

"Done. Now you're looking like the Princess of Hastinapur. Beautiful." Draupadi smiled fixing her veil fir the final time.

"Let me see my daughter's face now." Kunti said coming inside.

"Pranam Mata." Draupadi and Dhriti said as all other Dasis walked out.

"Great job Draupadi. You're looking so beautiful Putri. Your Pitashree would be so proud of you." Kunti proudly smiled as a tear escapes her eyes.

"Mata, I don't want you to cry right from today. There's time, I'm still here." Dhriti said wiping her tears.

"Rajkumari, your brothers want to enter your chambers." A servant entered.

"I hope it's not Bhrata Duryodhan and Dushasan." Dhriti crossed her arms.

"No, Its my Aryas." Draupadi said bringing them in.

"Mata, Panchali have you seen Arjun anywhere?" Yudhishthir enquired in worry.

"No Arya, I have been here since the morning." Draupadi said.

"I've checked the entire Palace, armoury, guest rooms, main hall. Everywhere. He's no where to be seen." Sahadev said.

"What!" Dhriti shouted, tears brimming her eyes.

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