Homeward Bound

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Dhriti smiled at the sight in front of her eyes

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Dhriti smiled at the sight in front of her eyes.

Her brothers, along with her Kanha standing at the gates of the Palace, with
wide smiles plastered on their faces, gladly waiting for her to arrive.

She looked around people hailing her's and Angraj's name repeatedly as she saw a spark of hope and joy in people's eyes.

As soon as the charioteer stopped in front of the Palace gates, Dhriti, without waiting for anyone, climbed down the chariot, more specifically jumped out and walked towards everyone.

She glanced at Kanha as a small smile crept her face.

"Be in your senses Dhriti, Pitamah, Kakashree, Badi Maa, Mata, Kakishree first." Dhriti reminds herself before turning towards them.

"Aayushyaman bhava putri." Tatshree said through a blur of tears in his eyes as he hugged her.

Everyone continued praising and blessing her and on the other hand Duryodhan moved ahead to pat his best friend who's head hung low.

"Mitra? You don't seem okay. Whats the matter?" Duryodhan asked as Shakuni seemed worried.

"Did our plan work out Angraj?" Shakuni asked.

"That's what we need to talk about Mamashree." Karna spoke lightly and they proceeded towards their room, meanwhile Dhriti, moved towards hers.

As soon as she entered her room, Dhriti let her body fall on her bed, when Bheem entered.

"Dhriti, Dhriti, Dhriti wake up. Don't sleep. " Bheem shakes her.

"Ugh Bhratashree, I'm not sleeping I'm up. Why are you panting?" She shot up offering him a glass of water.

"We're, I mean you are in a huge problem. Mata has called you." He said.

"What? I did not do any mischief. I swear by Maa Parvati. I was not even in the Palace." She got up as she fixed her angawastra.

"That's not the problem. Its bigger. You-you have been asked to cook food for everyone as a celebration for two victories today." Bheem explained suppressing his laugh looking at Dhriti's pale exoression as she ran towards Kunti's room.

"Mata, why? The whole Trilok would be aware of fact that I'm a terrible terrible cook. How did you agree on me cooking for everyone. " She said standing at the door only to realized not only Kunti, but Kanha, Dau, Dushala, Kakishree, Badi Maa and all her brothers we sitting there smiling at her plight as Bheem stood behind her laughing.

"Don't laugh anyone." She said turning back seeing Bheem.

"Even you don't laugh Bhratashree." She said as she ran towards her room in embarrassment as Kunti and Dushala called for her.

"Dhriti, Dhriti listen to me." Kunti smiled as she entered Dhriti's room.

"No mata, everyone will hate me if they eat whatever I prepare. Only if someone would have taught me how to cook in Acharya's Ashram." Dhriti said turning to her.

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