Karma, Bhakti, Gyaan and Raj Yog

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"Krishn! Krishn!" Dau called entering his chambers.

"Arey arey Dau Bhaiya. What made you so restless?" Kanha chuckled at him.

"This Jarasandh has sent a letter for you. Read it and tell me what he wishes to say before his death." Dau fumed as Kanha opened the letter, reading it.

"These Lotuses......" Dau smiled, seeing Kanha still quietly reading the letter.

"Nandi and Narad gave it to her....." Kanha smiled back, without diverting the attention from the letter.

"What did he say in the letter Krishn?
Decided to surrender?" Dau asked with a bit of hope.

"No Dau, never expect such things from Magadh Naresh Jarasandh.
The day you defeated him for the first time, was the day he vowed for revenge." Kanha smiled.

"So you mean to say that he'll fulfil his revenge? Then let me tell you, I won't let that happen." Dau coarsed.

"Calm down Dau Bhaiya.
Everyone takes some or other vow, but it does not mean that everyone holds the righteousness and ability to fulfil it. You see, even Gandhar Naresh Shakuni has taken a vow against the insult he faced back at Dwarka's Rajasabha, what do you think, he'll fulfil it?
We'll consider that he starts working on it. But what if someone stops him right in the middle?
Pran toh pura nahi hoga na....." Kanha smirked.

"You could have answered my question with either a yes or a no. But no! You had to puzzle me." Dau looked at him.

"In simple words, let Jarasandh do whatever he wants to.
Let me see, how far he goes. Who knows, maybe someone might stop him in between." Kanha chuckled, handing back the letter to Dau.

"And what about the reply? He needs one. What will you write?" Dau aksed.

"Well, I know a person who can give him the reply of his life." Kanha wiggled his brow with a light smirk.

"Yes! This time I know who you're talking about!
Immediately sending a letter to Indraprasth. Dhriti stayed there for a long time. Even we miss her here now." Dau joked, before walking out of his chambers.

"Priya....." Kanha called looking around his empty chambers without Dhriti.

"Oh hi there! I thought you forgot me but I see you miss me hmm...." Dhriti joked as she walked through the hallway, keenly observing Mayasur's illusions.

"I don't remember mentioning that I miss you." Kanha jokingly chuckled.

"You don't need to mention that.
I already know it." Dhriti stated partly laughing.

"Fine Fine. Yes I do and Kanha would really appreciate Priya's presence in Dwarka." Kanha replied.

"I'm getting so idle here. Everyone is treating me like a Queen. Not letting me do absolutely anything.
Even Shatanik and Prativindhya make sure I don't move from my place. A bed ridden lady I am.
I'm Chanchala. I can't sit at one place." Dhriti pouted as she looked at her feet and the bottom of her dupatta getting wet due stepping into one of those illusions.

"Who had asked Jyesth and Bhrata Arjun to tell Mayasur to do these illusions. Its surely going to create problems to anyone who visits Indraprasth as a guest.
Spent 5 whole months here and still not able to make out the difference.
Jaha pair rakhu waha paani hi paani hai." Dhriti ranted.

"Priye!" Kanha called with a sudden excitement.

"Yes?" She lovingly asked.

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