The Pre-Holi Preparations

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"Vishwakarma did a great job in building this beautiful city didn't he

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"Vishwakarma did a great job in building this beautiful city didn't he. Especially this palace." Nakul smiled as the siblings along with Kanha sat around the open yard  behind the palace.

"Dwarka Nakul, you should see that once." Kanha thought smiling at Dhriti.

"I miss Vaikunth now." Dhriti said looking at Kanha making him chuckle.

"I think all of you should visit Vaiku- um I mean Dwarka once. That would be great." Dhriti smiled.

"This is a great idea Dhriti. I always wanted to see Dwarka.... The sea shore. Not to mention Govind never took us." Draupadi beamed.

"God has fulfilled your wishes."  Kanha smiled as he started reading the letter a sevak handed him.

"Oh really? How Keshav?" Arjun asked him.

" Pitashree has invited all of you to Dwarka for the Holi celebration. Holi in Dwarka is great and mesmerizing." Kanha explained smirking at Dhriti.

'Now that you're there with me, there will be Krishn's complete Maharaas.' Kanha's words rang in her mind as she looked down, smiling hard.

"Really! I'm so happy right now. Afterall, we're finally about to see Dwarka." Bheem shot up.

"You're happy to visit Dwarka or taste all the royal sweets and delicacies there?" Sahadev chuckled as Bheem warningly patted him.

"What a nice coincident isn't it? Only a few days ago you were talking about colours and Holi, and now here we are about to celebrate one." Draupadi smiled as Dhriti.

"But when did Dhriti play Holi and colours?" Yudhishthir questioned as Dhriti mentally face palmed herself.

"You don't have to put me in trouble everytime Bhabhi." She thought.

"Yeah and she also talked about some raasleelas in Ksheer-" Draupadi started explaining the 5 brothers, curious to know.

"Kanha don't sit and smile there. Change the subject." Dhriti looked at him.

"You change na.
Also, last time Vinayak saves you from giving an explanation. Now I want to see how you make things." He smirked back.

"Please....." She said with puppy eyes.

"That face won't help next time."  Kanha said giving up as Dhriti immediately replaced it with a wide smile.

"Come on everyone, I'll tell yall about Holi. Afterall you should be ready to get drenched in coloured water." Kanha chuckled as everyone directed their attention to him.

"We do some team work and a lot of planning an plotting.
So basically we would be having two teams, one against other.
Aim is to color the person of the opposite team with colour and drench them in coloured water with the help of little brass pichkaris.
The side, who manages to colour all the people from the opposite team wins.
Now after the game, everyone gathers around for the to be a part of the Raasleela." Kanha spoke making everyone chuckle.

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