Agni Duhita

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"What? How did they enter Kamayaka? Years ago both, ours and Kingdom of Hastinapur made an agreement that no human will enter this territory or their lives will be taken

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"What? How did they enter Kamayaka? Years ago both, ours and Kingdom of Hastinapur made an agreement that no human will enter this territory or their lives will be taken. " Hidimb fumed as his men reported the happenings.

"Hidimba, disguise yourself and go bring them to me. Death is waiting for them." Hidimb ordered his sister as she nodded.

Hidimba chanted a few words as she turned herself into a beautiful maiden and departed towards the cave of the Pandavas, guarded by Bheem.

As she slowly took her steps towards where Bheem was standing, she looked at his well build figure, a huge muscular body frame and a mischievous smile studded on his lips as he ate some fruits from the basket.

She was so mesmerized with him that her real purpose really got out of her mind. Instead of killing him and his family who might be in the cave, she wanted to protect them from her brother's wrath. Her love for the Rajkumar of Hastinapur, brought out her loving and kind nature from within.

"How can I help you Devi?" Bheem asked as he suddenly saw Hidimba standing in front of him.

"Who are you Kumar? And why are you here?" Hidimba asked in worry.

"I am Rajkumar Bheem of Hastinapur. Me and my family are here to take shelter in this forest for a few days. Now introduce yourself devi." Bheem smiled offering her some fruits.

Before answering, Hidimba presented herself in her original form and said, "Rajkumar, I'm Hidimba, sister of King Hidimb of Kamayaka. This forest and it's territory belongs to him. He had sent me to capture you. But somehow I don't want to. So I request you to take your family to saftey before you become a prey of his wrath." Hidimba requested him but it was already late.

A furious Hidimb, with his demon look, holding some grave weapon walked towards Hidimba and Bheem.

Bheem too positioned himself as he got ready to fight the demon King, while a worried Hidimba stood aside.

They clash of Bheem and Hidimb started. Their loud roars filling the calm and serene forest with noise. Dhriti slowly yet worriedly opend her eyes as she shook Arjun and Nakul and followed to noise to the outside.

All the 5 siblings along with a worried Kunti stood there watching Bheem vigorously fight Hidimb.

"Who's the lady standing there?" Dhriti asked as she read the worry on Hidimba's face and moved towards her.

"You look worried. May I ask you what is happening here and who are you?" Dhriti spoke as she gently kept her hand on Hidimba's shoulder making her turn around.

"I think you must already be aware of the negotiations between Hastinapur and Kamayaka made by Maharaj Vichitraveer. But now that you all have entered the kingdom, my brother Hidimb ought to kill you all as a sacrife for Devi." She spoke sadly.

"Sacrifice for Devi? Which devi needs a sacrifice of a human who itself is the creation of her own. What a Devi really needs is unconditional devotion, following the path of truth and love, not only towards her but towards every other creation of hers. Nothing else." Dhriti smiled at her.

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