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"Vaishnavi....." Dhriti's inflamed eyes were quenched and smothered by the strikingly warm aura her soul had suddenly engulfed her into, as she slowly lost the touch of reality.

"Shri! You aren't weak to fall apart like this. Its about balance. Find it and face it. Vaishnavi is not your weakness. Remember Chanchala, she's your greatest strength." Gauri's ringing voice scaled conscious senses as Dhriti vigorously blinked her eyes, absorbing the palpability of the situation.

"One has to be kind, but not let others disrespect him.
You are elder to me, but this is crossing lines." Dhriti matched Draupadi's timbre, twitching her arm out of Yagyaseni's grip.

"Line was crossed with you decided to interfere." Draupadi replied, crushing Dhriti's remain hopes for forgiving everyone. Some for maintaining silence and others for speaking too much.

"Draupadi! Enough now.
Her marriage and becoming the KulVadhu of another state does not signify that all relations have met an end for her.
She's still Maharaj Pandu's only daughter, she's still Kuruvansh's Rajakanya and everyone's pride. It does not suit you to disrespect her in this manner." Kunti ultimately spoke up, standing close beside her daughter.

"There is no one here who understands my misfortune. Whether or not you have done anything wrong in someone else's eyes, but you someday shall experience things from my perspective so that next time, you know that world falls apart and heart rips into million pieces when the closest to our heart, anguishes us the most." Draupadi implicated her finger at Dhriti.

"I, Maharani of Indraprasth, Drupad Kanya, Yagyaseni Draupadi curse you...." Her bold voice belaboured.

Dhriti blood shot eyes directly pierced into Draupadi's welled up eyes.
She bore no emotion, just as hollow as a sustained scream, her outer physiognomy patiently waiting to see till what extent does Draupadi's anger take her, stingingly sardonic to her soul continuously trying to rise up against all her weaknesses.

Her stiff hands, locking each other fell loose as she recalled Devarshi telling her about her emotional attachment to everyone.
Her speechless lips slowly parted, realizing that it was Draupadi, about whom he was talking all along. Realizing and believing were two different things and that's where Dhriti had stuck up.
Now that she had realised, her heart wasn't ready to believe that it is what it is. There still persisted that dying flame of hope that Panchali would suddenly jerk out and realize what she's about it do.

".....Just like Arya Arjun didn't stay true to his only promise and broke my heart, similarly Govind, your Kanha will break your heart.
All your promises would be devastated. That's when you'll feel the pain, the torment.
You'll understand the affliction only when the person you loved all your life will turn a deaf ear to all your calls.
My curse shall sustain." Panchali's harsh voice suddenly subdued as she took in the unnaturally uncanny silence  as an after math of her misdemeanor.

A stream of heavy tears instantly made their way down Draupadi's face as she realized what she just did.
She sobbed, folding her hands in front of Dhriti followed by a sad shrug, while Dhriti just blankly stared back.

"Anger had consumed me and made me forget everything you did for my happiness. Forgive me Dhriti, I don't even deserve to face you."Draupadi pleaded.

"Take back your curse Draupadi. Prevent it! Seeking for forgiveness won't spare my daughter from the curse. And you would never know, how a curse takes unexpected turns in your life. I have been through it, I don't want her to go through the same turmoil." Kunti wept.

A sarcastic scoff escaped Dhriti's lips on hearing Kunti's words.
"There's no need. Get up Bhabhishree, don't seek for forgiveness, nor try to take back the curse.
Yagyaseni, I accept your curse, for I can't respond to you seeking forgiveness and there has to be a way out." Dhriti help her get up.

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