Agnija's Wish

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"Is everyone sure that we have to attend the Swayamwar?" Yudhishthir asked his brothers for the 100th time

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"Is everyone sure that we have to attend the Swayamwar?" Yudhishthir asked his brothers for the 100th time

"Yes you are. Now let's go." Dhriti said for the final time.

"Wait. You're coming too?" Bheem asked as his little sister beamed.

"Bhrata, she's not coming for us. Remember? Keshav is going to be there." Arjun laughed.

"And what if someone recognised the Pandavas? Dhriti, people can easily, easily recognize your face,young lady!"

"Dhriti has everything planned. I'll be standing where all commoners stand. Perfect view." She said as her brothers smiled at her excitement.

"Honestly, tell us how excited are you for her Swayamwar?" Bheem asked.

"Very much. I had never seen what a Swayamwar looks like." She grinned as they departed towards the Palace.

*At the same time.*

Karna decided to go and visit the nearby ashram of the rishi and take their blessings whilst Duryodhan and Shakuni were freshening up.

He saw a sage, very much engrossed in his tapasya as Karna steadily sat in front of him with joined hands.

"Welcome Angraj. What brought you here today?" The sage spoke without opening his eyes.

"Pranam Rishivar. I have come to seek blessings. Today, me and my friend Yuvraj Duryodhan are going to participate in Panchal Naresh's daughter's Swayamwar." Karna spoke.

"There's only one blessing I can give you Daanveer Angraj." The rishis said, eyes still closed.

"What is it Rishivar?" Karna asked.

"Do not attend the Swayamwar." He replied shocking Karna.

"But-but hey holy sage! We have already started our journey to Kampilya, how can I leave my friend right in the middle. And how can I reason him for my sudden change in decisions?" Karna helplessly asked.

"Putra, have you heard about the story of Sunda and Upasunda?" The rishi asked as Karna nodded no.

"In Satyuga, there were two demon brothers Sunda and Upsunda who loved each other so much that when Lord Brahma refused to grant them boon of immortality, they asked for the boon that only they could kill each other for they knew the fact that they would never kill each other as there was no object that could come between the brotherly love that they had had.
Lord Brahma, tired with the havoc they were causing on earth, requested Vishwakarma to create a beautiful woman. This woman, name Tilottama, having unmatched beauty, and only one goal, that was-- causing the death of the demons. Hence Tilottama became the reason of quarrel between them ending up getting killed by each other." The sage ended his story.

"I understood your message Rishivar. I must thank you for puting a light upon this aspect of history which I never knew. I may leave now." He thanked him as he left the ashram, paying him respects.

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