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"I just can't believe Dhriti has done this

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"I just can't believe Dhriti has done this." Yudhisthir spoke in pure dismay as others looked at him with different emotions.

"What wrong did she do Jyesht?" Sahadev asked, opposing him.

"Raising weapon on their own cousins, who came to pay her a mere vist would be the last thing a sound person could ever do." Yudhisthir replied with the same cold voice.

"Bhrata Duryodhan must have done something wrong. She would not raise her weapon first and don't tell me otherwise." Sahadev spoke.

"And who in this world goes to meet their 'dear' sister in the middle of their yagya?
Dwarka wasn't running anywhere. He could have met her later.
This simply means that whatever Jyesht Pitashree's 100 sons might do is right no matter how naive and grave it is.
And whatever Dhriti did, in an attempt to save the integrity and independence of Dwarka is wrong." Bheem shot up in anger.

"Bheem-" Yudhisthir tried to explain.

"And you're no less Jyesht, cause even you sent a letter asking her to apologize.
How come did you even believe that our Dhriti would wage a war first?" Bheem continued.

"Stop the four of you!" Kunti silenced them as Draupadi entered, carefully sitting down as she kept a hand on her growing belly.

"Did Dhriti raised her weapon or attacked Angraj Karna?" Kunti asked in a worry. She never wanted anyone of them to dishonour their real Jyesth. Knowingly or unknowingly.

"No mata she did not. But....... Angraj did without any thought." Draupadi bitterly revealed.

"You all know what? Each of you are worried about what others will say.
Did she attack him?
Why did she raise a weapon on him? Why didn't she follow her Dharma?
How can a girl attack on someone elder to her like Gandhar Naresh Shakuni? Where were Dau and Bhrata Krishn when all this happened?
But none of you were even bothered to ask if Didi is okay? Did the four Adharmis hurt her or did something wrong to her?
But! Jyesht had to immediately send a letter blaming her because Maharaj Dhritarshtra asked him to do so." Nakul shot up finally speaking.

"This is not the way you talk to him Nakul." Kunti replied in a stern voice.

"Yes. And I should be given a huge punishment for saying this.
Forgive me Jyesht, I'll take any punishment you allot to me. But I can't take anyone throwing insults and hurting my sister.
Now I understand why everyone blames Kakashree Vidur for always hurting people with honesty. But reality is that, truth is always bitter." Saying this, Nakul stromed out of the room.

"Nakul! Wait!" The brothers tried to stop him.

"Give him some time Arya. He'll be fine in." Draupadi calmly assured, exactly knowing how Nakul felt.


"Gandhar Naresh Shakuni, Angraj Karna, Hastinapur Yuvraj and Rajkumar Dushasan are entering the assembly." A guard announced as the for of them entered with Satyaki walking behind them.

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