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"Bade Pitashree, do you remember the last time we visited Dwarka?" Shatanik excitedly asked, cosily adjusting his now grown up figure into Bheem's huge arms

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"Bade Pitashree, do you remember the last time we visited Dwarka?" Shatanik excitedly asked, cosily adjusting his now grown up figure into Bheem's huge arms.

"This sight and it's crisp air never gets old." Arjun got down from his chariot, his usual smile missing with the sight of Dwarka right in front of him.

"How will I even face Madhav." A notion of worry immediately covered his face.

"Why did we stop before reaching the palace, Pitashree?" Shatanik pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Nothing dear. Just giving a thought, we'll be meeting everyone after soo long, it feels different." Arjun guiltily lied, ruffling Shatanik's hair, quiet disappointing the younger one.

"I had spent the whole morning setting them nicely, Pitashree." Shatanik frowned, positioning back his hair.

"No wonder Nakul would be the proudest father right now." Bheem lightly chuckled, partly lightning up the unseen tension in Arjun's behavior.

"He does that to impress himself." Arjun playfully laughed at Shatanik.

"I've been trying to look all good since I'm going to meet Bua after an eternity and she should know her favourite nephew has grown up quiet exceptionally." Shatanik innocently spoke as Arjun nodded, just about to ruffle his hair yet again as the other one dodged the action.

"Little things get you excited, Shatanik." Bheem smiled picking him up.

"Yes, but this time we have a great news and I'm going to tell that to everyone by myself. Individually." Shatanik grinned.

"I'll let you do that.
Maybe because you're like the only one who will be listened with just pure adoration." Arjun sadly smiled as the continued their short walk towards the palace.

"Welcome Rajkumar Arjun and Rajkumar Bheem. Didn't posses any previous knowledge about your arrival." Satyaki gave a small smile, inwardly disappointing Bheem, not addressing him as Bhrata, like he did everytime.

"We wanted to surprise Bua and Kakashree. Oh and Vaishu too." Spoke Shatanik, innocently.

"Oh I see! That's great Chote Rajkumar. Let's give them the surprise then." Satyaki chuckled at his sweetness.

"You aren't good in delivering surprises, Satyaki." Kanha suddenly walked out of nowhere, patting Satyaki.

"Because you some how ruin them for me, Krishna." Satyaki joked back.

"Alright Alright, I'll get going. You proceed with.....Our guests?" Satyaki unsurely continued, his mind tracing back to all the events he witnessed alongside Dhriti, as he left, not before curtly flashing his last smile and Kanha nodded with a sigh.

"Pranipat Bade Bhaiya. I assume everyone and everything is fine at Indraprasth, Parth." Kanha smiled.

"Pranam Kakashree." Shatanik touched his feet, slyly smiling as Kanha blessed him.

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