Devraj Indra

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"Putro, I hope all of you would stay safe and in peace at Khandavprasth

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"Putro, I hope all of you would stay safe and in peace at Khandavprasth. If you feel anything's wrong, send a letter to Hastinapur without any second thought." Bhishma said patting the brothers as Dhriti and Kanha stood in a corner.

"Yes Pitamah" They said, trying to smile.

"Dhriti, Krishn...." Bhishma said looking at her.

"You both will be with them for some more time, won't you?" He asked patting Kanha.

"Yes we will until everything is sorted out and perfect." Kanha assured him.

"You may not consider Hastinapur as your home, but......" Vidur said with tears.

"But yours and Sulabha Kaki's Bhavan is still my home."  She completed him as all of them bent down to take their blessings.

"I know something  is bothering you. So tell me what's that?" Dhriti asked holding Kanha's arm.

"Indra Dev." Kanha spoke.

"Indra Dev? Must have given a boon to the wrong person." Dhriti asked.

"Yes. To Nagraj Takshak. That he won't let the rain water touch the land of Khandavprasth, but only the forest where Takshak and his praja lives.
Everyone gives boon to the wrong people and then we have to come down to mend it."  Kanha sighed.

"So do you need Hastinapur's Royal Palkhi to travel till Khandavprasth, Dhriti?" Duryodhan asked smirking.

"Hastinapur's Royal Palkhi?" Dhriti raised her eyebrow, faking a shocking face as Duryodhan pointed out towards the Palkhi for Kunti and Draupadi.

"No thanks. I have my own ride." Dhriti said climbing upon her horse as Kanha smirked at her.

"Last time, you didn't let me ride. Now I'm riding." She giggled.

"Alright Alright. I'll let you do that this time." He laughed back as everyone mounted on their horses with Kanha and Yudhisthir on their respective chariots.

"Proceed Krishn." Yudhisthir smiled.

"No Jyesht. You're the King now. You start , we'll follow you." Kanha smiled as Yudhisthir nodded.

"Dhriti! Dhriti!" Draupadi called , feeling out from the curtain of her carriage.

"Hm?" She asked looking around the large number of people on the streets.

"Why didn't you come in a Palkhi. What happiness do you get by riding with the wind's speed?"  Kunti asked.

"No Mata. I'm not made for these delicate Palkhis. Feels like I'm riding on a camel, taking eternity of reach where I want to." Dhriti spoke nonchalantly.

"Camel? When did you ride on them?" Kunti asked.

"Mate...." Narad chuckled.

"You're never going to change Priye. You're too chancal. " Kanha laughed.

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