Naming Ceremony and The Princess of Chedi

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"Daughters are like the flow of a river. Today, she's the Princess of Dwarka, tomorrow she'll be married off to some other family.
Therefore, she should be named Nivedita. One who is entrusted with dedicated service for her family and looking after all their need." The Raj Purohit spoke, before Narad could as Kanha looked at his little daughter.

"So far, our daughter has not even been named, and you've already started planning her marriage. Isn't it Raj Purohit ji." Kanha sarcastically smiled at him, making him go silently.

"I should thank my own destiny that there were no Raj Purohits present while naming me." Dhriti thought looking at Kanha as he chuckled.

"A girl's life is not just about getting married and taking the responsibility of families.
Its about that pure ingenuous nature, her agile mind constantly ridden little questions. That's how she grows.
Looking after her family is not her only dharma. She should be equally acquainted with knowledge, bhakti and her strength." Narad explained, as the surrounding fell quiet, keenly listening to his every word.

The Purohit frowned upon hearing everyone's agreement on Narad's knowledgeable words as he, once again looked at the little one.

"He dislikes me like anything." Dhriti spoke.

"You'll crack up after knowing the reason behind it." Kanha chuckled.

"Hm..." She simply replied making Kanha turn in her direction.

"May I know the reason for you sadness on such a bright ocassion, Rajkumari?" Kanha kept a hand on hers.

"I feel like telling Jyesth that his sister is so precious, he should not disappoint her at any ocassion.
Also, I want to yell at Nakul for acting like an oversmart creature and staying back." She huffed, pushing Kanha to suppress his laughter.

"Precious, yeah very much..... What? Seriously." Kanha finally laughed, making Dhriti fluster as Shatanik came and made himself a place between both of them.

"Out of so many places to sit you chose this one, isn't it?" Kanha tickled him.

"Yeah, I love you both so much that I can't choose, so I decided to sit close to both of you." He flashed a grin.

"Dwarkadheesh, according to her kundali a name starting from letter S would be the most auspicious–" The Purohit turned towards Vasudev.

"Narayan! Narayan! Things take place not due to someone's kundali, it's the game of destiny. Because even that kundali is designed by the skilled hands of our destiny.
She's born on the exact day, when Mata Sita appeared on Mrityu lok in Treta Yug.
Her face shines like Narayan's Shrivatsa mark and Mata Lakshmi's divine lotuses.
For someone who is so dear to Lakshmi-Narayan, can't be named anything other than........" Devarshi gave his usual dramatic nod.

"Devarshi, if this time you decide to stop midway, I won't spare you later." Gauri warned, as Munivar cleared his throat, nodding at her warning.

"Hence, she'll be know by the name Vaishnavi...." The Trilok Sanchari finally announced, giving everyone some time to gasp and adored this beautiful name.

"Vaishnavi...." Kanha and Dhriti spoke in unison, smiling at their little princess.

"What a wonderful name, Devarshi." Dau and Revati smiled.

"Vaishnavi! Perfect name for you, isn't it?" Bheem smiled, picking her up from Dhriti's lap as she started crying.

"You made my Vaishnavi cry, Arya." Draupadi joked.

"Arey, now how should I make her stop crying?" Bheem helplessly asked, as he saw.

"I don't know, now do it. Who asked you to pick her up so hastily, when she was sleeping?" Dhriti grinned.

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