Escaping Lakshagrah

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Dhriti gulped down a few glasses of water as the 5 brothers started digging a tunnel

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Dhriti gulped down a few glasses of water as the 5 brothers started digging a tunnel.

"Bhratashree, I mean what if we, you know shoot an Astra to produce a crack in the ground. That will make digging easy." Dhriti suggested as she got up.

"Why didn't you suggest this earlier?" Nakul got up.

"I didn't want to interrupt your enthusiasm in digging. I would have not interrupted actually but looking at the time we are left with, Bhrata Arjun, please let's  shoot the astra." Dhriti said.

"Dhriti, you shoot them, I'll go check on Purochan." Arjun said as he ran towards the kitchen outside the Palace.

Soon Dhriti shot a few arrows producing cracks in the ground as Bheem, Nakul, Yudhisthir and Sahadev started digging through the cracks.

"Yudhisthir, Bheem, Sahadev? Where are you?" Kunti called as her kids were nowhere to be seen.

"Mata, we have successfully dug a tunnel which leads to the near by forest." Bheem called as Kunti saw Arjun approaching.

"Jyesht, Purochan and his men will enter the Palace in a few. They have prepared the meal." Arjun said hurriedly.

"Yes, Bhrata Bheem and  Jyesht, take Mata and go forward. Make sure the Palace doors are locked from the outside once they all are in. Me, Bhrata Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev will put this place on fire and follow. " Dhriti said.

"No Putri, My Sahadev and Nakul will come with me. I have promised Madri to keep them safe, always." Kunti said as she looked down. Dhriti smiled and wiped her Mata's tears.

"Alright favourite kids, go with them. Me and Bhrata Arjun will stay back." She said patting Nakul and Sahadev.

"No Didi I won't leave without you." Nakul said holding Dhriti's hands.

"We'll decide who's her favourite later. Now go, Purochan will be here anytime." Arjun said making Nakul leave Dhriti's hands as they hugged each other.

"I guess they would have reached outside." Arjun said as he walked around the tunnel.

"What happened Dhriti? " Arjun asked coming towards her.

"Now how will we know if they have reached without any problems, if they have successfully locked them inside. What if. What if Purochan discovers our plan and won't let us get out?"

"Priya...." Kanha called.

"Kanha.....Help me Kanha" She let out as her voice cracked.

"Bade bhaiya and others have reached the other end safely and have successfully locked Purochan and his men inside the Palace. Now it's your time my warrior, save everyone." Kanha smiled as Dhriti gathered her courage.

"Bhratashree, hurry up, let's go." Dhriti said getting up, trying to light up the fire torch.

Arjun got up as he heard faint calls of Purochan. They quickly lit up the fires everywhere as both of them entered the tunnel and proceeded towards the other end.

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