Yuvraj of Hastinapur

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"Be Alert! Hastinapur Naresh, Maharaj Dhritarshtra, Maharani Gandhari and Maharani Kunti are entering the sabha

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"Be Alert! Hastinapur Naresh, Maharaj Dhritarshtra, Maharani Gandhari and Maharani Kunti are entering the sabha." The sevak announced as all his subjects, the Pandavas, Kauravas , Kanha and Dau stood up.

"Shriman Ganga Putra Bhishma, Mahatma Vidur, Kul Guru Kripacharya and Guruvar Dronacharya are entering. " The sevak announced next.

"My dear subjects and everyone else present here, today, we have gathered here to announce the new Yuvraj of Hastinapur, an upcoming King of this Karma Bhumi." Pitamah announced as everyone looked keenly.

"Maharaj, Hey Rajan, avenge us. Give us justice hey Hastinapur Naresh." A sipahi said as 4 men, dressed differently from each other were presented before the king in handcuffs.

"What is the matter?" Dhritarshtra asked as his auspicious occasion for the announcement was interrupted.

"The four of them have committed a crime by killing four migrants." The sipahi narrated as their head hung low in embarrassment.

"Maharaj, I think, we should ask our two Jyeshts to keep their views on the case. This would be an easier way to decide the Yuvraj of Hastinapur." Vidur said as Dhritarshtra nodded giving permission to his great idea.

"I request Jyesht Gandharinandan Duryodhan and Jyesht Kunti Putra Yudhisthir to come forward and express their views." Tatshree said as Duryodhan abruptly got up from his seat and said in a loud tone.

"They should be punished with a Death Sentence!". The shock on every other person's face evident listening to Duryodhan's descion as Shakuni face palmed himself leaving Duryodhan confused.

The tensed atmosphere calmed a bit as Yudhisthir got up.

"Are all four of you guilty for your deeds?" Yudhisthir asked as all of them joined their hand and nodded yes.

"Then you should get an imprisonment of 4 years, you for 6 years, you for 8 years and you'll be prisoned for 10 years." Yudhisthir pointed at each one of them.

"I disagree with this. Giving each of them different spans of imprisonment is injustice." A subject got up.

"Its not injustice, according to ancient Scriptures; a Shudra, for comiting a grave crime should be punished for 4 years, a Vaishya for 6 years, the Kshatriya, who are the protectors of the countrymen, for 8 years while Brahmins, who are the preservers of Dharma should be punished for 10 years. Therefore I lay down my perspective and ask Maharaj to deliver the final decision. " Yudhisthir spoke as the Sabha fell silent.

"I agree with putra Yudhisthir. Sipahis, take them towards the prison." Dhritarshtra ordered as Duryodhan gave Dhriti a death glare.

"What? I did not teach Jyesht about ancient Scriptures. He's the Dharmaraj by birth. Why am I getting the glares?" Dhriti aksed.

"Did you laugh on Duryodhan's answer?" Dau whispered.

"No Dau. Although whatever he said was just unbelievable, I did not make fun of it. He's Jyesht anyways. " Dhriti whispered back as Dau patted her.

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