Duryodhan Against Dwarka

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Kritavarma, Satyaki and Dau furiously picked up their weapons while Kanha stood there smiling at their hasty movements as the four of them proceeded in two different directions

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Kritavarma, Satyaki and Dau furiously picked up their weapons while Kanha stood there smiling at their hasty movements as the four of them proceeded in two different directions. Satyaki and Kritvarma at the main entrance of Dwarka, occupied by Hastinapur's army, while Dau and Kanha towards the other frontier where Dushasan will be arriving shortly.

"Krishn, I would appreciate if you would atleast take a sword in your hand." Dau looked at Kanha.

"She has taken the weapon of my share as well." Kanha smiled as they neared the area.

"Who?" Dau asked.

"Today is an awful day for Bhrata Duryodhan." Kanha said freezing in his position as he saw the figure of Dhriti, furiously standing with a sword in one, while bow in her other hand.

"How have you been Dushasan? Never thought we would have a reunion like this." Dhriti shouted on the top of her lungs as Dushasan motioned his soldiers to stop while he himself got down his chariot, walking towards Dhriti.

"Pranam Didi." Dushasan smirked as he held the harness of the ritual horse in on of his hand.

"You must have already heard about Bhrata Duryodhan's Ashvamedh Yagya." He added.

"Ofcourse ofcourse. So where is he and Mamashree Shakuni hiding?" Dhriti spoke in a stern voice.

"Uh....Okay. Not the best time to go and stop her." Dau spoke as the two men moved aside, letting Dhriti have her way.

"They aren't hiding anywhere! They'll be arriving shortly. And what are you doing?" Dushasan raised his voice.

"Ah ah, lower your voice Rajkumar. You don't wanna talk to me in this manner. Also, I'm not letting you enter the territory like this.
Afterall, you're my cousin. You should have a grand welcome to Dwarka.
So now tell me, what made you make this grand appearance on the outskirts of Dwarka with a few soldiers, without any prior notice?" Dhriti spoke, trying to keep calm.

"Keep your weapons down and tell me where is Balaram Dau or Kritavarma.
I would rather talk to the Senapati and Army chiefs rather than wasting my time with you." Dushasan mocked as anger started building up in Dhriti's eyes.

"Look Dushasan, I'm not letting you enter the city and let you prove your superiority by letting this horse roam across the streets." Dhriti spoke, taking a deep breath.

"That's exactly what's on our mind, Yadavkumari." Dhriti heard the voice of Duryodhan as she glared at Dushasan before moving aside.

"So, now Kritavarma and Krishn have sent you instead of facing us by themselves? Indeed, Yadavs are very brave." Duryodhan tired to ridicule as her breath hitched.

"Yuvraj! I made it clear. Its against Dharma to attack on a state with whom you share matrimonial alliance." Dhriti spoke shooting a band of arrows in front of their chariots.

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