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"Arya.... Will she really come?" Draupadi looked at Yudhisthir as she tiredly rested herself on her bed.

"Ofcourse she will Panchali. Afterall you have called her. She never fails you. And upon knowing that Shikhandi and Drishtyadyumn have arrived at Indraprasth along with Arjun, she'll definitely come." Yudhisthir assured as he looked out of his window.

"Look, she really did come." He smiled at Panchali as she beamed in joy.

"Ah ah, you're not going anywhere. You need a lot of rest these days. I'll send Dhriti directly to your chambers." Yudhisthir spoke, taking a leave.

"Pranam Matashree." Dhriti widened her smile, touching Kunti's feet as the emotional mother her, tightly embraced her daughter.

"Akhanda Saubhagyavati Bhava Putri." Kunti gracefully blessed her.

"You were finally back and there was this little family reunion but you didn't bother to send me a letter, Archer." Dhriti crossed her arms in front of Arjun as he gave a cheeky smile.

"Sometimes it's fun to see the expression of surprise on your face as well Didi. " Sahadev replied.

"Exactly, not letting you prank us everytime na." Bheem piped in as Dhriti faked a disappointment.

"Jyesht let's go now." Nakul nudged as Yudhishthir stood at a distance from everyone else.

"She must be angry on me. That's why she hasn't asked about me yet." Yudhishthir looked down.

"Oh Jyesth. She didn't ask for me either. Does not stop me from being the favourite." Nakul joked, to lighten Yudhishthir's mood.

"Where's my Nakul?" Dhriti enquired as her eyes started looking out for him.

"Okay my judgement is not always right. But let's go. She's our sister, Bhratashree. Do you think her heart can stay angry on you?" Nakul spoke forcefully pulling Yudhishthir towards them.

Yudhishthir walked behind Nakul with his head slightly hung low. Dhriti read out his face as Nakul eyed Dhriti about the same.

"Pranam Jyesht." Dhriti slowly greeted him as a smile started appearing on his face.

"Dhriti....." He spoke as they hugged each other.

"I'm - I'm sorry Dhriti...." Yudhishthir let out as Dhriti gently smiled.

"For what Bhratashree?" She asked.

"I should have trusted you instead of sending that letter." He confessed as a smile appeared on Kunti's face.

"I have long forgotten it Bhratashree. And you should smile because you Panchali is due anytime now. You going to become a father. Smile a bit atleast." She spoke breaking the hug as the other 4 of them laughed, gathering around for their signature group hug.

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