Changes in the Kingdom

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The news of 'death' of Kunti along with her 6 children has spread throughout Hastinapur

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The news of 'death' of Kunti along with her 6 children has spread throughout Hastinapur. With common people being  in sorrow of losing their crown prince, Duryodhan and Shakuni, on the other hand are making necessary arrangements and talks with the elders to crown Duryodhan as the new Yuvraj of Hastinapur.

"Mamashree, I had sent spies throughout the kingdom and turns out that people won't be willing to accept anyone other than Bhrata Yudhishthir as the crown prince." Dushasan said in a fury.

"If all the ways of dharma are closed, adharam takes the charge. Now, we'll not convince people, instead, we'll bribe." Shakuni laughed as he rolled his dice.

Soon, both, Duryodhan and Dushasan stared bribing the traders and poor farmers in the kingdom were distributed loads of gold coins and other wealthy objects without the permission of the mantris of the Royal Treasury. Everything started working the way Shakuni wanted- in favour of Duryodhan.

" Bhanajee, Now, its time for mourning on the deaths of our 'beloved'. Send a letter to Dwarka. Let that Devkinandan know that he couldn't save his love from a massacre." Shakuni laughed as an order was passed to send him this horrific news.

"Maharaj, the locals on reaching the location have informed that dead bodies or two women and 5 men along with their respective weapons have been discovered ." A mantri reported as he stood in front of Dhritarashtra.

Bhishma with a heavy heart and guilt in his eyes, walked towards Ganga as he prayed for his mother to appear in from to him.

"Putra?" She called out.

"Now, its on me to complete their final rites. Mata, I failed Pandu. I failed to protect them." Bhishma looked down as Ganga walked towards the place he was seated.

"This is the place, where I brought Dhriti to meet you. This is the place where Bheem used to gather mangoes with me and his is that very place where Arjun , Nakul and Sahadev used to ride on my back while Yudhishthir looked after the other two like an elder brother he is. Then, after so much of love and affection that we showered upon each other, I failed to save their lives Mata, I won't be able to forgive myself." Bhishma cried.

"Putra, why are you here to complete the last rites? They all are capable enough to protect themselves. Brave warriors like them have a long life.A" Ganga assured him.

"What are you saying Mata?" Bhishma asked in surprise.

"Why don't you ask Vidur? " Ganga smiled as she submerged under the waters.

As Bhishma turned around , he saw Vidur waiting for him.

"Pranipat Tatshree." Vidur greeted.

"Vidur, what is this? Where are my Pandavs, what are you hiding from me. Tell me everything. " Bhishma spoke restlessly as Vidur sat beside him and narrated him everything from the start.

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