Kanha's Indication

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Dhriti woke up with the sun rays mildly touching her angelic face as she prayed the Janani before stepping on it

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Dhriti woke up with the sun rays mildly touching her angelic face as she prayed the Janani before stepping on it.

After having a long bath, Dhriti finally came out, wearing her favourite blue and pink lehenga with her open wet hair as she dried the drippling water.

As soon as she sat in front for the mirror, her eyes fell upon the beautiful necklace Kanha gifted her under the moonlit night as realization hit her. Her Kanha was leaving for Dwarka today.
A few drop of tears rolled down her cheek.
She quickly wiped them as she fixed her face and walked out of her room.

"Kanha....." She called standing at the doors of his room.

"Priya, why were you crying?" Kanha said as he directed her inside his room.

"It were just few drops." She said as she denied the fact that she cried.

"One word for few drops of tears rolling down the face is crying." Kanha said as he smiled hoping Dhriti would reciprocate it but she didn't.

"I thought you would laugh at this. Was I not funny enough?" Kanha raised his eyebrows.

"You never fail to make me smile Kanha, but I don't want you to feel sad due to my tears. I understand that you are needed in Dwarka." Dhriti smiled as she saw Kanha looking at himself in the mirror.

"You don't have to be tough on yourself Priya. You can let it all down. And remember, even if you cry, I won't let these tears reach the bottom of your face, no matter how far we are. Its Kanha's promise." He said as she smiled at him.

"So now should I ask you your favourite question." Kanha said as his tall, muscular yet gentle figure stood in front of Dhriti.

"My favourite question?" Dhriti asked confused.

"So Priya, how am I looking today?" He asked mimicking her tone as she giggled loudly.

"You're looking divine Kanha, so powerful yet gentle. And the colour of the Angawastra, its my favourite." She said pointing at Kanha's yellow Angawastra.

"Now that you're smiling, I'm in relief." Kanha said as they walked towards the exit where almost everyone was waiting.

"How many ladoos do you want to bet that Keshav will end up as our jijashree." Arjun chuckled at Bheem as both of them saw Dhriti and Kanha walking towards them.

"Don't bet bade bhaiya, you'll lose all your ladoos." Kanha smiled as he walked towards his chariot.

"So its confirmed." Arjun laughed as he stepped forward to bid farewell to his close friend and Dhriti walked towards Dau to take blessings.

"Devaki Maa, Subhadra and Pitashree wishes to see you. Hope you come to Dwarka soon." Dau smiled as he patted her.

"Finally. Finally Vasudev is leaving Hastinapur. Now I'm beyond free to play all my plots without any barriers. Start counting your days Pandavas. Start counting." Shakuni laughed as he played with his dices loud enough for Kanha to hear as he motioned the Pandavas to come near him.

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